UVA 10679 I Love Strings】的更多相关文章

http://uva.onlinejudge.org/index.php?option=com_onlinejudge&Itemid=8&page=show_problem&problem=1620 ProblemG ILove Strings!!! Input:Standard Input Output:Standard Output TimeLimit: 4 Seconds Hmmmmmm----strings again :) Then it must be an easy…
传送门 题目大意 给定文本串$S$和若干模式串$\{T\}$, 对每个模式串$T$, 询问$T$是否为$S$的子串. Solution 裸的AC自动机, 也可以用后缀数组做. P.S. 这题数据很弱, 朴素的字符串匹配也能过. Pitfalls 模式串有重复的. 这样, 在建TRIE时就不能直接对每个模式串对应的节点 (尾节点) 标记上模式串的序号, 否则对于重复出现的模式串, 最后一次出现的那个会把在它之前的那些覆盖掉. 正确的做法是, 对于每个尾节点作唯一标号. 另外维护一个表$idx[]$…
 Periodic Strings  A character string is said to have period k if it can be formed by concatenating one or more repetitions of another string of length k. For example, the string "abcabcabcabc" has period 3, since it is formed by 4 repetitions o…
思路:很容易发现规律,数列和Fib数列一样的. 记开始的时候啊a的个数为Y,b的个数为X.建立矩阵. 代码如下: #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<algorithm> #define M 105 #define eps 1e-6 #define ll long long #define mod 1000000007 usi…
[链接] 我是链接,点我呀:) [题意] 在这里输入题意 [题解] 枚举 [代码] #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N = 100; char s[N]; int len; bool check(int L) { if (len%L != 0) return false; for (int i = L; i < len; i++) if (s[i] != s[i%L]) return false; retur…
UVa OJ 455 Periodic Strings A character string is said to have period k if it can be formed by concatenating one or more repetitions of another string of length k. For example, the string "abcabcabcabc" has period 3, since it is formed by 4 repe…
发信人: fennec (fennec), 信区: Algorithm 标 题: acm 总结 by fennec 发信站: 吉林大学牡丹园站 (Wed Dec 8 16:27:55 2004) ACM总结(fennec) 其实在北京比赛完的时候,我就想写了,不过还是早了点,直到上海比赛结束,大家的心中都不是太好受.郭老师有句话:你们这样做也是对的,不成功就成仁.让我的心也能安慰了不少. 我是从大一下学期开始接触ACM的,那时候我们学校才刚刚起步,siyee,wjiang师兄可以说是我的领路人了…
Periodic Strings 模板 题意分析 判断字符串的最小周期 代码总览 /* Title:UVA.455 Author:pengwill Date:2016-12-16 */ #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> using namespace std; char str[100]; int main() { int n; scanf("%d",&n); w…
题目链接:11081 - Strings 题目大意:给出三个字符串,从分别从第一个字符串和第二个字符串中挑选子串a,b,用a和b组成第三个字符串,问可组成的子串有多少种. 解题思路:说起来惭愧啊,题目一点思路没有,题目老早就看了,今天查了题解,愣是想了一晚上,终于想清楚一点点了,dp[i][j][k]表是用s1中的前i个字符和s2中的前j个字符的子串组成s3前k个字符的情况. 仿照http://www.cnblogs.com/yuzhaoxin/archive/2012/05/04/248325…
Description Problem D: Power Strings Given two strings a and b we define a*b to be their concatenation. For example, ifa = "abc" and b = "def" then a*b = "abcdef". If we think of concatenation as multiplication, exponentiatio…
题意:给出一个字符串,找出它的最小的周期,枚举从1到len的周期,看是否满足. #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; ]; int main() { int ncase,t,i,k,j,len; scanf("%d",&ncase); while(ncase--) { scanf(…
题意: 定义a为一个字符串,a*a表示两个字符相连,即 an+1=a*an ,也就是出现循环了.给定一个字符串,若将其表示成an,问n最大为多少? 思路: 如果完全不循环,顶多就是类似于abc1这样,即n=1.但是如果循环出现了,比如abab,那就可以表示成(ab)2.还有一点,就是要使得n尽量大,那么当出现abababab时,应该要这么表示(ab)4,而不是(abab)2. 此题用神奇的KMP解决,也就是主要利用next数组.举例说明. 一般出现循环的都会大概是这样的:abcabcabc.而这…
题目:求一个串的最大的循环次数. 分析:dp.KMP,字符串.这里利用KMP算法. KMP的next函数是跳跃到近期的串的递归结构位置(串元素取值0 ~ len-1): 由KMP过程可知: 假设存在循环节,则S[0 ~ next[len]-1] 与 S[len-next[len] ~ len-1]相匹配: 则S[next[len] ~ len-1]就是循环节(且最小).否则next[len]为0: 因此,最大循环次数为len/(len-next[len]).最小循环节为S[next[len] ~…
1.题目大意 求一个长度不超过80的字符串的最小周期. 2.思路 非常简单,基本就是根据周期的定义做出来的,几乎不需要过脑. 3.应该注意的地方 (1) 最后输出的方式要注意,不然很容易就PE了.不过个人认为,其实这题Sample Output给的不好 (2) 注意输出的要求是最小周期 4.代码 #include"stdio.h" #include"string.h" #define maxn 80 int main() { int T,m,i,j,flag; ch…
​ A character string is said to have period k if it can be formed by concatenating one or more repetitions of another string of length k. For example, the string "abcabcabcabc" has period 3, since it is formed by 4 repetitions of the string &quo…
You are given a string consisting of parentheses () and []. A string of this type is said to be correct: (a) if it is the empty string (b) if A and B are correct, AB is correct, (c) if A is correct, (A) and [A] is correct. Write a program that takes…
POJ 3342 Party at Hali-Bula / HDU 2412 Party at Hali-Bula / UVAlive 3794 Party at Hali-Bula / UVA 1220 Party at Hali-Bula(树型动态规划) Description Dear Contestant, I'm going to have a party at my villa at Hali-Bula to celebrate my retirement from BCM. I w…
http://uva.onlinejudge.org/index.php?option=com_onlinejudge&Itemid=8&page=show_problem&problem=2483 Hyper Prefix Sets Prefix goodness of a set string islength of longest common prefix*number of strings in the set.For example the prefix goodnes…
Palindromic Subsequence Time Limit: 3000ms Memory Limit: 131072KB This problem will be judged on UVA. Original ID: 1140464-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: Main   A Subsequence is a sequence obtained by deleting zero or more characte…
March 18, 2016 Problem statement: https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/two-strings/submissions/code/18506948 Julia likes to try a new way to train herself to expand C#/ C++ / Java / JavaScript languages, by reading the solutions, followed up with so…
StackOverFlow排错翻译 - Python字符串替换: How do I replace everything between two strings without replacing the strings? 原创连接: Python字符串替换 问题: Python:如何将两字符串之间的内容替换掉? I have this string(问题源码): str = ''' // DO NOT REPLACE ME // Anything might be here. Numbers…
Given two numbers represented as strings, return multiplication of the numbers as a string. Note: The numbers can be arbitrarily large and are non-negative. Converting the input string to integer is NOT allowed. You should NOT use internal library su…
Given two non-negative numbers num1 and num2 represented as string, return the sum of num1 and num2. Note: The length of both num1 and num2 is < 5100. Both num1 and num2 contains only digits 0-9. Both num1 and num2 does not contain any leading zero.…
Design an algorithm to encode a list of strings to a string. The encoded string is then sent over the network and is decoded back to the original list of strings. Machine 1 (sender) has the function: string encode(vector<string> strs) { // ... your…
Given a string, we can "shift" each of its letter to its successive letter, for example: "abc" -> "bcd". We can keep "shifting" which forms the sequence: "abc" -> "bcd" -> ... -> &quo…
Given two strings s and t, determine if they are isomorphic. Two strings are isomorphic if the characters in s can be replaced to get t. All occurrences of a character must be replaced with another character while preserving the order of characters.…
Given two numbers represented as strings, return multiplication of the numbers as a string. Note: The numbers can be arbitrarily large and are non-negative. 这道题让我们求两个字符串数字的相乘,输入的两个数和返回的数都是以字符串格式储存的,这样做的原因可能是这样可以计算超大数相乘,可以不受int或long的数值范围的约束,那么我们该如何来计算…
使用strings查看二进制文件中的字符串 今天介绍的这个小工具叫做strings,它实现功能很简单,就是找出文件内容中的可打印字符串.所谓可打印字符串的涵义是,它的组成部分都是可打印字符,并且以null或者newline结尾. 对于普通文本文件来说,strings没有任何意义,因为文本文件中的任何内容实际都是可打印的字符串.strings最常用的场合就是列出动态库或者可执行程序等二进制文件中出现的字符串,结合grep即可实现查找. strings的使用方法很简单,strings [文件]即可,…
strcmp() Anyone? Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: Unknown   64bit IO Format: %lld & %llu [Submit]   [Go Back]   [Status] Description   J “strcmp()” Anyone? Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output strcmp() is a library function in C/C++ which…
Problem: Given two strings s and t, determine if they are isomorphic. Two strings are isomorphic if the characters in s can be replaced to get t. All occurrences of a character must be replaced with another character while preserving the order of cha…