动态规划 动态规划(Dynamic Programming,简称DP)是一种通过把原问题分解为相对简单的子问题的方式求解复杂问题的方法. 动态规划常常适用于具有如下性质的问题: 具有最优子结构(Optimal substructure) Principle of optimality applies Optimal solution can be decomposed into subproblems 重叠子问题(Overlapping subproblems) Subproblems recu…
Awesome Reinforcement Learning A curated list of resources dedicated to reinforcement learning. We have pages for other topics: awesome-rnn, awesome-deep-vision, awesome-random-forest Maintainers: Hyunsoo Kim, Jiwon Kim We are looking for more contri…
目录 摘要部分: I. Introduction II. Related Work III. Method **IMPORTANT PART A. RL agent training [第一步] B. PRM construction C. PRM-RL Querying IV. Results A. Indoor Navigation 1) Roadmap construction evaluation 2) Expected trajectory characteristics 3) Act…
Deep Reinforcement Learning Papers A list of recent papers regarding deep reinforcement learning. The papers are organized based on manually-defined bookmarks. They are sorted by time to see the recent papers first. Any suggestions and pull requests…
1. 知乎上关于DQN入门的系列文章 1.1 DQN 从入门到放弃 DQN 从入门到放弃1 DQN与增强学习 DQN 从入门到放弃2 增强学习与MDP DQN 从入门到放弃3 价值函数与Bellman方程 DQN 从入门到放弃4 动态规划与Q-Learning DQN从入门到放弃5 深度解读DQN算法 DQN从入门到放弃6 DQN的各种改进 DQN从入门到放弃7 连续控制DQN算法-NAF 12/29/2016 看完1和2: 1.2 Deep Reinforcement Learning 深度增…
Apparently, this ongoing work is to make a preparation for futural research on Deep Reinforcement Learning. The goal of this work is to build a simulation platform that can insert the Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms as a robot motion planning…
Andrej Karpathy blog About Hacker's guide to Neural Networks Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels May 31, 2016 This is a long overdue blog post on Reinforcement Learning (RL). RL is hot! You may have noticed that computers can now automatica…
增强学习(Reinforcement Learning and Control)  [pdf版本]增强学习.pdf 在之前的讨论中,我们总是给定一个样本x,然后给或者不给label y.之后对样本进行拟合.分类.聚类或者降维等操作.然而对于很多序列决策或者控制问题,很难有这么规则的样本.比如,四足机器人的控制问题,刚开始都不知道应该让其动那条腿,在移动过程中,也不知道怎么让机器人自动找到合适的前进方向. 另外如要设计一个下象棋的AI,每走一步实际上也是一个决策过程,虽然对于简单的棋有A*的启发式…
上篇总结了 Model-Free Predict 问题及方法,本文内容介绍 Model-Free Control 方法,即 "Optimise the value function of an unknown MDP". 在这里说明下,Model-Free Predict/Control 不仅适用于 Model-Free 的情况,其同样适用于 MDP 已知的问题: MDP model is unknown, but experience can be sampled. MDP mode…
上篇文章介绍了 Model-based 的通用方法--动态规划,本文内容介绍 Model-Free 情况下 Prediction 问题,即 "Estimate the value function of an unknown MDP". Model-based:MDP已知,即转移矩阵和奖赏函数均已知 Model-Free:MDP未知 蒙特卡洛学习 蒙特卡洛方法(Monte-Carlo Methods,简称MC)也叫做蒙特卡洛模拟,是指使用随机数(或更常见的伪随机数)来解决很多计算问题的…
Reinforcement-Learning-Introduction-Adaptive-Computation http://incompleteideas.net/book/bookdraft2017nov5.pdf http://incompleteideas.net/book/ebook/the-book.html https://www.amazon.com/Reinforcement-Learning-Introduction-Adaptive-Computation/dp/0262…
已经成为DL中专门的一派,高大上的样子 Intro: MIT 6.S191 Lecture 6: Deep Reinforcement Learning Course: CS 294: Deep Reinforcement Learning Jan 18: Introduction and course overview (Levine, Finn, Schulman) Slides: Levine Slides: Finn Slides: Schulman Video Why deep rei…
深度强化学习的18个关键问题 from: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/32153603 85 人赞了该文章 深度强化学习的问题在哪里?未来怎么走?哪些方面可以突破? 这两天我阅读了两篇篇猛文A Brief Survey of Deep Reinforcement Learning 和 Deep Reinforcement Learning: An Overview ,作者排山倒海的引用了200多篇文献,阐述强化学习未来的方向.原文归纳出深度强化学习中的常见科学问题,…
this blog from: https://github.com/LantaoYu/MARL-Papers Paper Collection of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) This is a collection of research and review papers of multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). The sharing principle of these refe…
MIT(Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars) CMU(Deep Reinforcement Learning and Control ) 参考网址: 1 Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars  --  6.S094 http://selfdrivingcars.mit.edu/ 2 Deep Reinforcement Learning and Control  --  10703 https://katefvision.gi…
(缺少一些公式的图或者效果图,评论区有惊喜) (个人学习这篇论文时进行的翻译[谷歌翻译,你懂的],如有侵权等,请告知) StarCraft Micromanagement with Reinforcement Learning and Curriculum Transfer Learning 摘要 近年来,实时策略游戏一直是游戏人工智能的重要领域.本文提出了一个强化学习和课程转换学习方法来控制星际争霸微操作中的多个单位.我们定义了一个有效的状态表示,它可以打破游戏环境中大型状态空间造成的复杂性.…
转自https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/25239682 过去的一段时间在深度强化学习领域投入了不少精力,工作中也在应用DRL解决业务问题.子曰:温故而知新,在进一步深入研究和应用DRL前,阶段性的整理下相关知识点.本文集中在DRL的model-free方法的Value-based和Policy-base方法,详细介绍下RL的基本概念和Value-based DQN,Policy-based DDPG两个主要算法,对目前state-of-art的算法(A3C)详细介绍,其他…
Reinforcement Learning 对于控制决策问题的解决思路:设计一个回报函数(reward function),如果learning agent(如上面的四足机器人.象棋AI程序)在决定一步后,获得了较好的结果,那么我们给agent一些回报(比如回报函数结果为正),得到较差的结果,那么回报函数为负.比如,四足机器人,如果他向前走了一步(接近目标),那么回报函数为正,后退为负.如果我们能够对每一步进行评价,得到相应的回报函数,那么就好办了,我们只需要找到一条回报值最大的路径(每步的回…
Playing FPS games with deep reinforcement learning 博文转自:https://blog.acolyer.org/2016/11/23/playing-fps-games-with-deep-reinforcement-learning/ When I wrote up 'Asynchronous methods for deep learning' last month, I made a throwaway remark that after…
  Deep Learning Research Review Week 2: Reinforcement Learning 转载自: https://adeshpande3.github.io/adeshpande3.github.io/Deep-Learning-Research-Review-Week-2-Reinforcement-Learning This is the 2nd installment of a new series called Deep Learning Resea…
智能车 self driving car + 强化学习 reinforcement learning + 神经网络 模拟 https://github.com/MorvanZhou/my_research/tree/master/self_driving_research_DQN Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving Obstacle Avoidance using LIDAR https://github.com/peteflorence/…
Byte Tank Posts Archive Deep Reinforcement Learning: Playing a Racing Game OCT 6TH, 2016 Agent playing Out Run, session 201609171218_175epsNo time limit, no traffic, 2X time lapse Above is the built deep Q-network (DQN) agent playing Out Run, trained…
Dueling Network Architectures for Deep Reinforcement Learning ICML 2016 Best Paper 摘要:本文的贡献点主要是在 DQN 网络结构上,将卷积神经网络提出的特征,分为两路走,即:the state value function 和 the state-dependent action advantage function. 这个设计的主要特色在于 generalize learning across actions w…
Deep Learning in a Nutshell: Reinforcement Learning   Share: Posted on September 8, 2016by Tim Dettmers No CommentsTagged Deep Learning, Deep Neural Networks, Machine Learning,Reinforcement Learning This post is Part 4 of the Deep Learning in a Nutsh…
Reinforcement Learning for Profit July 17, 2016 Is RL being used in revenue generating systems today?   Recently, one of my facebook friends, and alumni of the University of Alberta (with a PhD in Computing Science), Cosmin Paduraru posed a question:…
Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning ICML 2016 深度强化学习最近被人发现貌似不太稳定,有人提出很多改善的方法,这些方法有很多共同的 idea:一个 online 的 agent 碰到的观察到的数据序列是非静态的,然后就是,online的 RL 更新是强烈相关的.通过将 agent 的数据存储在一个 experience replay 单元中,数据可以从不同的时间步骤上,批处理或者随机采样.这种方法可以降低 non-st…
Deep Reinforcement Learning with Double Q-learning Google DeepMind Abstract 主流的 Q-learning 算法过高的估计在特定条件下的动作值.实际上,之前是不知道是否这样的过高估计是 common的,是否对性能有害,以及是否能从主体上进行组织.本文就回答了上述的问题,特别的,本文指出最近的 DQN 算法,的确存在在玩 Atari 2600 时会 suffer from substantial overestimation…
Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning <Computer Science>, 2013 Abstract: 本文提出了一种深度学习方法,利用强化学习的方法,直接从高维的感知输入中学习控制策略.模型是一个卷积神经网络,利用 Q-learning的一个变种来进行训练,输入是原始像素,输出是预测将来的奖励的 value function.将此方法应用到 Atari 2600 games 上来,进行测试,发现在所有游戏中都比之前的方法有效,甚至在…
Active Object Localization with Deep Reinforcement Learning ICCV 2015 最近Deep Reinforcement Learning算是火了一把,在Google Deep Mind的主页上,更是许多关于此的paper,基本都发在ICML,AAAI,IJCAI等各种人工智能,机器学习的牛会顶刊,甚至是Nature,可以参考其官方publication page: https://www.deepmind.com/publicatio…
Reinforcement learning has gained considerable traction as it mines real experiences with the help of trial-and-error learning to model decision-making. Thus, this approach attempts to imitate the fundamental method used by humans of learning optimal…