.PRT extension and multiple NX versions】的更多相关文章

http://nxway.blogspot.ca/2007/10/prt-extension-and-multiple-nx-versions.html To open prt files with NX 7.5: Change HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\UGpartfile\shell\open\command  to "C:\Program Files\UGS\NX 7.5\UGII\ugs_router.exe"  -version=V25.5 -ug -use_fil…
Part 1: macOS 10.14 Mojave Web Development Environment Developing web applications on macOS is a real joy. There are plenty of options for setting up your development environments, including the ever-popular MAMP Pro that provides a nice UI on top of…
Upgrade memory size for a laptop recently, the OS on the laptop was Windows 10 with a version of 2019 mid-term. After upgrade, I planned update the system but always fail on KB4556799, the Windows Update dialog shows error 0x800f0831. I have been try…
一个设计优秀的工具或框架,应该都有一个易用.强大的插件或扩展体系,akka也不例外. akka的扩展方法非常简单,因为只涉及到两个组件:Extension. ExtensionId.其中Extension在每个ActorSystem中只会加载一次,然后被akka管理.你可以在ActorSystem启动的时候以编程的方式加载,也可以通过配置的方式自动加载.由于Extension是在ActorSystem层面的扩展,所以需要开发者自己处理线程安全的问题.ExtensionId可以理解为Extensi…
VS环境下 C++版本: 1 int GetPreviewImage(const TCHAR* prtFile, const TCHAR* imageFile) 2 { 3 IStorage* pStorage = NULL; 4 HRESULT hResult = StgOpenStorage(prtFile, NULL, STGM_READ | STGM_SHARE_DENY_WRITE, NULL, 0, &pStorage); 5 if (hResult != S_OK) 6 { 7 r…
In This Document Section 1: Overview Section 2: Pre-Upgrade Steps Section 3: Upgrade and Configuration Section 4: Post-installation Steps Section 5: Known Issues Section 6: Appendices This document covers the procedure to upgrade the version of the J…
Awesome Python  A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources. Inspired by awesome-php. Awesome Python Environment Management Package Management Package Repositories Distribution Build Tools Interactive Interpreter Fi…
原文来自于:http://thisinterestsme.com/php-best-practises/ There are a number of good practises that you should follow when developing web applications in PHP. Most of these are extremely easy to pick up and some of them will even apply to web application…
gazebo_models:https://bitbucket.org/osrf/gazebo_models 模型庫下載,可以參考如下命令: ~/Rob_Soft/Gazebo7$ hg clone https://bitbucket.org/osrf/gazebo_models 下載更改目錄下載到指定文件夾中. 模型庫的結構 目錄 配置等可以參考官方文檔,注意model.sdf. 當然也可以將自己制作的模型上傳到庫中,文檔中也有具體說明. code$ hg clone https://your…
分类 plugin名称 wiki地址 源码地址 plugin作用范围 备注 Build Reports构建报告(此类插件用来分析构建结果,比果代码检查,测试CASE分析,并将这些结果以报表,趋势图等形展显出来) Analysis Collector Plugin (analysis-collector.jpi) https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Analysis+Collector+Plugin https://github.com/jenk…