js screen size check】的更多相关文章

js screen size check js 屏幕尺寸检测 window.screen API screen; window.screen.width; window.screen.height; how to get the real screen size in js https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65462643/how-to-get-the-real-screen-size-by-using-js window.innerWidth & win…
How to get the real screen size(screen resolution) by using js 获取用户屏幕的真实像素分辨率, 屏幕实际尺寸 window.devicePixelRatio 设备像素比 screen resolution 屏幕分辨率 function getResolution() { const realWidth = window.screen.width * window.devicePixelRatio; const realHeight =…
Apple updated its iPhone a bit ago making the form factor much bigger. The iPhone 6 screen size is both wider and taller and the iPhone 6 Plus also has a higher pixel density. This is an update to my previous post about designing websites for the iPh…
  iPhone 4 iPhone 5 iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus Display Size 3.5 in 4 in 4.7 in 5.5 in Screen Size 320 x 480 points 320 x 568 points 375 x 667 points 414 x 736 points Rendered Pixels 640 x 960 (@2x) 640 x 1136 (@2x) 750 x 1334 (@2x) 1242 x 2208 (@3x) Phys…
length: length是js的原生方法,用于获取元素的个数和对象的长度 var length = $(obj).length; size(): size()属于方法,只能作用于对象上,获取元素的个数 var size = $(obj).size(); 注:如果想要获取字符串的长度只能用length属性,如 var length = $(obj).html().length;…
windows.screen對象包含包含對象屏幕的信息: screen.availheight;屏幕高度 screen.availwidth;屏幕寬度…
1. "Windows" ==> "Android Virtual Device Manager" ==> Select one emulator ==> "Start" ==> Change the scrren size to "6"…
比如,我不想在移动端执行某js特效可以参考(function(doc, win) { var screenWidth = 0, size = 'M', root = doc.documentElement; if (window.screen && screen.width) { screenWidth = screen.width; if (screenWidth > 1920) { // 超大屏,例如iMac size = 'L'; } else if (screenWidth…
简介 jStorage是一个跨浏览器的将key-value类型的数据存储到浏览器本地存储的js插件——jStorage支持所有主流浏览器,PC机(甚至包括是IE6)和移动终端均可用.此外,jStorage的实现不依赖任何其它js库(库无关),它和其他js库(Query, Prototype, MooTools等)有良好的兼容性.但是为了让它能够支持老版本的IE(比如蛋疼的IE6),需要依赖第三方库(Prototype, MooTools)或JSON2. jStorage支持存储Strings,N…
1.javascript的数组API Js代码 收藏代码 //定义数组 var pageIds = new Array(); pageIds.push('A'); 数组长度 pageIds.length; //shift:删除原数组第一项,并返回删除元素的值:如果数组为空则返回undefined var a = [1,2,3,4,5]; var b = a.shift(); //a:[2,3,4,5] b:1 //unshift:将参数添加到原数组开头,并返回数组的长度 var a = [1,2…