Q:What is the difference between count(1) and count(*) in a sql queryeg.select count(1) from emp; andselect count(*) from emp; A:nothing, they are the same, incur the same amount of work -- do the same thing, take the same amount of resources. You ca…
sql的统计函数 sql统计函数有 count 统计条数,配合group用 sum 累加指定字段数值 但注意sum(1)就特殊 sum(1)等同于count(*) sum(1)统计个数,功能和count(*)一样,但效率上count(*)高.所以尽量少用. 举个小例子 SELECT ad_network_id,,sum(1),count(*),sum(2),count(5) from mapping_table_analytics GROUP BY ad_network_id 运行结果为: 3…