install chrome on ubuntu14.04】的更多相关文章

summary chrome broswer can't found in ubuntu14.04 default source list.To install chrome ,you must add source list by self . Today,i will give you two ways to install chrome on is by ppa(add google repository source list),second is sou…
Prepare: sudo apt-get install libtool autoconf automake uuid-dev sudo apt-get install python-dev sudo apt-get install g++ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools Check Stable Release: Download: wget http://down… composer $ sudo apt-get install curl $ curl -sS | php $ sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer 2.config composer use china mirror 1. METHOD1:change global config file (recommend) $ composer config -…
# -Rapyuta-installation-in-Ubuntu14.04-LTS-Trusty-This gzip folder is a tested version which can install rapyuta in ubuntu14.04(trusty) and run Test demo successfully.The version of rapyuta is only different from official version in rce/setup/provisi…
# -Rapyuta-installation-in-Ubuntu14.04-LTS-Trusty-This gzip folder is a tested version which can install rapyuta in ubuntu14.04(trusty) and run Test demo successfully.The version of rapyuta is only different from official version in rce/setup/provisi…
安装好Ubuntu14.04之后安装google chrome浏览器 1.按下 Ctrl + Alt + t 键盘组合键,启动终端 2.在终端中,输入以下命令 (将下载源加入到系统的源列表.命令的反馈结果如图.如果返回“地址解析错误”等信息,可以百度搜索其他提供 Chrome 下载的源,用其地址替换掉命令中的地址.) sudo wget -P /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ 3.在终…
原文链接为 由作者Jacob Nicholson 发表于October 27, 2015 在此对作者表示感谢 Node.js作为一个基于JavaScript的开发平台,正变得越来越流行.许多开发人员都想构建通过JavaScript开发的程序和库(不论前台还是后台).令人欣喜的是,名为npm的node包管理工具,可提供超过10万个基于node.js的程序包.当我们在本地…
Ubuntu14.04+ 安装搜狗输入法 搜狗输入法是一款非常友好的输入法产品,从Ubuntu14.04开始对Linux支持,不过只是Debian系的,是Ubuntu优麒麟组引入的.优麒麟是针对国人设计的Ubuntu的一个版本,不过我个人更喜欢 Deepin,他为linux舍弃带来了譬如「有道词典」,「网易云音乐」等优秀的应用,界面设计也区域人性化和美观考虑.不少中国linux圈的都是基于Debian的系统优化. Introduction Sogou Input 2.0 新增了双拼的支持,提供了…
摘要: 原创博客:转载请表明出处: 今日多次测设ros indigo install kinect driver ,提示各种失败,然后心情非常不好 ,时不时的吐槽一下没有好的资料,在翻遍近百个贴后终于有初步结果. 1.在ubuntu上安装kinect驱动比较繁琐,需要安装以下3个驱动包, OpenNI-Bin-Dev-Linux-x64-v1.5.7.10 NITE-Bin-Dev-Linux-x64-v1.5.2.23 Sen…
Recommended reference: Step One: Install Ubuntu14.04 on your computer Step Two: Install Xen using “sudo apt-get install xen-hypervisor” which will automatically choose suitable version of Xen. If you do this on a…