In this chapter, we would add background music to the game and play sound effect when the hero fires bullets. Because there’s so few codes to add that we could say a little more about audio engine here. Cocos2d-x has wrapped SimpleAudioEngine to cros…
|   版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载. 音效简介: 1.1 在游戏开发的过程中除了华丽的界面,生动的动画之外,适当的音效也是重要的一部分 1.2 游戏中的声音分为两类,一类是音乐,播放时间较长,适合用作背景音乐.另一类是音效,播放时间较短,可以重复的播放,例如,子弹打出的声音,地鼠触动的声音.             1.3 cocos2d-x集成了CocosDenshion音效引擎,可以方便的实现游戏音效.CocosDenshion提供了多个音效API,它们分别是CDSo…
Scripted AI and Scripting Engines 脚本AI与脚本引擎 This chapter discusses some of the techniques you can use to apply a scripting system to the problem of game AI, and the benefits you can reap from doing this. At its most basic level, you can think of scri…
How to Make a Flappy Bird in HTML5 With Phaser - Part 1 Flappy Bird is a nice little game with easy to understand mechanics, and I thought it would be a perfect fit for an HTML5 game tutorial for beginners. We are going to make a simplified version o…
Sprite Kit 入门教程  Ray Wenderlich on September 30, 2013 Tweet 这篇文章还可以在这里找到 英语, 日语 If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed or follow me on Twitter. Thanks for visiting! Sprite Kit是一个在iOS7上制作令人惊喜的2D游戏的新框架,它内置于iOS7 SDK. 它拥有材质精灵(以下将直接引…
I recently did some research on this and talked to Dr. Clayton Lewis (computer Scientist in Residence @ CU Boulder). Much of my answer comes from the copy of Engagement Analysis he gave me. To make popular games, Look at Engagement not Fun Fun is poo…
SpriteKit详解 SpriteKit,iOS/Mac游戏制作的新纪元 这是我的WWDC2013系列笔记中的一篇,完整的笔记列表请参看这篇总览.本文仅作为个人记录使用,也欢迎在许可协议范围内转载或使用,但是还烦请保留原文链接,谢谢您的理解合作.如果您觉得本站对您能有帮助,您可以使用RSS或邮件方式订阅本站,这样您将能在第一时间获取本站信息. 本文涉及到的WWDC2013 Session有 Session 502 Introduction to Sprite Kit Session 503 D…
Design Principles  设计准则 These design principles were developed by and for the Android User Experience Team to keep users'best interests in mind. Consider them as you apply your own creativity and design thinking. Deviate with purpose.  以下设计准则由Android…
转自: Update 4/12/2013: Fully updated for iOS 6 (original post byMatthijs Hollemans, update by Ali Hafizji). In iOS, apps can’t do a lot in the background. Apps…
注1:本文译自Sprite Kit Tutorial: Making a Universal App: Part 2 目录 动画的定义:可行性 属性列表 添加游戏逻辑 添加音效 何去何从 上一篇文章中,创建了一个基本的游戏程序:一些可爱的鼹鼠从洞里面跳出来.并且为了能够让程序很好的运行在iPhone 3.5英寸,iPhone 4英寸,iPad和iPad Retina上,还花费了大量的篇幅介绍UI设计和坐标系相关知识. 本文,将给鼹鼠添加一些可爱的动画:笑和被打时的表情,并添加一种玩法:可以通过敲…