Telephone dialer】的更多相关文章

运行电话拨号器,需要加这个权限,否则不会打通电话.这个权限是用户权限,是谷歌工程师为了跟自己撇清关系,用户需要权限的时候自己加. 运行android程序的时候提示:ActivityManager: Warning: Activity not started, its current task has been brought to the front这是因为: 这个不是Android平台的Bug,而是Android本身就是这样一种处理机制.我们在Android平台下,通过返回按钮,或者程序本身的…
Android之Dialer之紧急号码 e over any other (e.g. supplementary service related) number analysis. a) 112 and 911 shall always be available. These numbers shall be stored on the ME. b) Any emergency call number stored on a SIM/USIM when the SIM/USIM is prese…
/*实践再次说明ch=getchar()的速度非常慢*/ /*大水题,不解释*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> int main() { int i,j,n,count; ]; ]; j=; ; i<=; i++) { ) j=; a[i]=j; j++; } a[]=; a[]=; a[]=; a[]=; a[]=; a[]=; a[]=; a[]=; a[]=; scanf("%d",&n); get…
题目:Automated Telephone Exchange poj URL: 原题如下图: 题意: 就是一个三位数减去两个小于或等于99的数的差为0,满足这个条件的数的个数.只要用标准输入输出就可以了. 下面是我Accepted的代码: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int ATE; cin >> ATE; ; int a,b; ;a<…
Today is Monday, April 28. I get a telephone call from Morgan Stanley in Shanghai. My examiner is a man, whose English is good. By the way, he is a Chinese. So he can understand my poor English. I was very nervous at the beginning, and I cannot follo…
1614: [Usaco2007 Jan]Telephone Lines架设电话线 Time Limit: 5 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 892  Solved: 399[Submit][Status] Description Farmer John打算将电话线引到自己的农场,但电信公司并不打算为他提供免费服务.于是,FJ必须为此向电信公司支付一定的费用. FJ的农场周围分布着N(1 <= N <= 1,000)根按1..N顺次编号的废弃的电话线杆,任意两…
Time Limit: 3000MS Memory limit: 65536K 题目描述In St Petersburg phone numbers are formatted as “XXX–XX–XX”, where the first three digits represent index of the Automated Telephone Exchange (ATE). Each ATE has exactly 10000 unique phone numbers.Peter has…
POJ3662 Telephone Lines 题目大意:要在顶点1到顶点n之间建一条路径,假设这条路径有m条边,其中有k条边是免费的,剩余m-k条边是要收费的, 求这m-k条边中花费最大的一条边的最小花费. 让m条边中原本花费最大的k条边成为免费的边,则这时m-k条边中花费最大的一条边的花费最小. 二分枚举m-k条边中花费最大的一条边的最小花费x,dijkstra求最短路径时,将花费大于x的边的花费设为1(花费为INF的边不变),花费小于等于x的边设为 0,则d[v-1]中返回的就是花费大于x…
Description Farmer John wants to set up a telephone line at his farm. Unfortunately, the phone company is uncooperative, so he needs to pay for some of the cables required to connect his farm to the phone system. There are N ( ≤ N ≤ ,) forlorn teleph…
题目 1614: [Usaco2007 Jan]Telephone Lines架设电话线 Time Limit: 5 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MB Description Farmer John打算将电话线引到自己的农场,但电信公司并不打算为他提供免费服务.于是,FJ必须为此向电信公司支付一定的费用. FJ的农场周围分布着N(1 <= N <= 1,000)根按1..N顺次编号的废弃的电话线杆,任意两根电话线杆间都没有电话线相连.一共P(1 <= P <= 10…