kentico version history and upgrade】的更多相关文章

Version history Kentico 10: November 30, 2016 Kentico 9: November 24, 2015 Kentico 8.2: January 6, 2015 Kentico 8.1: August 22, 2014 Kentico 8: March 31, 2014 Kentico 7: September 17, 2012 Kentico 6.0: October 10, 2011 Kentico 5.5R2: December 13, 201…
private void MoveItem(SPListItem sourceItem, SPListItem destinationItem) { if (sourceItem == null || destinationItem == null) return; destinationItem = GetDestinationItem(sourceItem.ID, destinationItem); SPFieldLookup lkpField = null; SPFieldLookupVa…
Sunrise Release Version History…
Fedora version history     Version (Code name)[1] Release[1] End-of-life[2] Kernel[3][a] GNOME[3] 1 (Yarrow) 2003-11-05 2004-09-20 2.4.22 2.4 2 (Tettnang) 2004-05-18 2005-04-11 2.6.5 2.6 3 (Heidelb…
I have tried to assemble together information about the Visual C++ releases, the compiler and the frameworks (MFC and ATL). You can find these on many places, but it is often incomplete or focused on something particular (Visual Studio, C++ compiler,…
Versions and Features Hadoop has seen significant interest over the past few years. This has led to a proportional uptick in features and bug fixes. Some of these features were so significant or had such a sweeping impact that they were developed on…
在“程序包管理器控制台”使用命令“update-database”会提示:The Entity Framework Core Package Manager Console Tools don't support PowerShell version 2.0. Upgrade to PowerShell version 3.0 or higher, restart Visual Studio, and try again. 意思就是你电脑PowerShell 版本太低了,需要升级. 下载地址:h…
Difference between C# compiler version and language version     As nobody gives a good enough answer, I will have a try now. First, C# has its version history published by Microsoft now (coming from MVP posts obviously),…
location对象 专门保存当前窗口正在打开的url的对象. 常用的属性有: location.href 保存了完整的url:这种方式做常用 在当前窗口打开: location.href=新url location.protocol: 协议 .host: 主机名+端口号 .hostname: 主机名 .port: 端口号 location.pathname: 相对路径 .hash: 锚点地址#xxx .search: 表单提交后地址栏中的查询字符串 ?变量名=值&变量名=值&... 方法…
[root@localhost ~]# yum history list #查看历史 Loaded plugins: fastestmirror ID | Command line | Date and time | Action(s) | Altered ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 | install -y screen | 2021-11-01 09:03…
更多内容参考: Preparing for Patching For patches that have manual steps, the patch readme file instructs you to use Oracle Patch Application Assistant (PAA) to create customized instructions…
Blog 项目源码: 目录 目录 前文列表 扩展阅读 Alembic 查看指令 manager db 的可用选项 初始化 DB Migrate 开始第一次跟踪 将记录文件应用到数据库中(实时升级数据库结构) 回滚到某一个记录环境中 前文列表 用 Flask 来写个轻博客 (1) - 创建项目 用 Flask 来写个轻博客 (2) - Hello World! 用 Flask 来写个轻博客 (3) - (M)VC…
在常用的三层架构中,通常都是通过数据访问层来修改或者查询数据,一般修改和查询使用的是相同的实体.在一些业务逻辑简单的系统中可能没有什么问题,但是随着系统逻辑变得复杂,用户增多,这种设计就会出现一些性能问题.虽然在DB上可以做一些读写分离的设计,但在业务上如果在读写方面混合在一起的话,仍然会出现一些问题. 本文介绍了命令查询职责分离模式(Command Query Responsibility Segregation,CQRS),该模式从业务上分离修改 (Command,增,删,改,会对系统状态进…
原文:Open Web Interface for .NET (OWIN) 作者:Steve Smith. Rick Anderson 翻译:谢炀(kiler398) 校对:孟帅洋(书缘) ASP.NET Core 支持 OWIN(即 Open Web Server Interface for .NET 的首字母缩写),OWIN的目标是用于解耦Web Server和Web Application.此外, OWIN为中间件定义了一个标准方法用来处理单个请求以及相关联的响应.ASP.NET Core…
前一段时间,用Django搭建一个报表分析的网站:借此正好整理一下笔记. 1. 安装 python有包管理工具pip,直接cd Python27/Scripts,输入 pip install django # install by version pip install --upgrade Django==<version> 安装完成后,python -c "import django; print(django.get_version())",若能打印出Django的版本…
命令简介: dos2unix是将Windows格式文件转换为Unix.Linux格式的实用命令.Windows格式文件的换行符为\r\n ,而Unix&Linux文件的换行符为\n. dos2unix命令其实就是将文件中的\r\n 转换为\n. 而unix2dos则是和dos2unix互为孪生的一个命令,它是将Linux&Unix格式文件转换为Windows格式文件的命令.   命令语法:   dos2unix [options] [-c convmode] [-o file ...] […
 博客地址: SharePoint文档库关于版本的设置:"Versioning Settings",可以通过CSOM用List对象的一些属性去设置它. Content Approval部分: Specify whether new items or changes to existing items should remain in a draft state until they have been approved. 对应…
.NET Framework (pronounced dot net) is a software framework developed by Microsoft that runs primarily on Microsoft Windows. It includes a large class library known as Framework Class Library (FCL) and provides language interoperability (each languag… Clear [C#] using DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl.PermissionPolicy; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.Strategy; using System.Collections.Generic; //.. public override void UpdateData…
Kali2.0系统自带的WiFite脚本代码中有几行错误,以下是修正后的代码: #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ wifite author: derv82 at gmail author: bwall @botnet_hunter ( author: drone @dronesec ( Thanks to everyone that…
一,AS开发app用,所用的数据库有限制,必须使用较小的SQLite(MySql和Sql Server想想就不显示) 但是该数据库并不需要我们单独下载,安装的SDK中已经有了,在C:\AndroidSDK\platform-tools目录下 最下面一个exe文件就是,双击可以打开dos界面进行编写 将上述讲的SQLite的目录(C:\AndroidSDK\platform-tools)添加到环境变量path下就可以完成配置 验证是否完成配置:打开dos界面,输入SQLite3,出现以下界面就表示… system image contains an old layout version -18.An upgrade to version -41 is required.Please restart NameNode with -upgrade option. at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSImage.recoverTransitionRead( at…
P6 Professional Installation and Configuration Guide (Microsoft SQL Server Database) 16 R1       May 2016 Contents About This Guide...................................................................................... 11 Shared Topics in This Guide .…
EntityFramework 6.1.2-beta2 Entity Framework is Microsoft's recommended data access technology for new applications. To install EntityFramework, run the following command in the Package Manager Console PM> Install-Package EntityFramework -Pre Tweet  … First off I want to clarify that the subject of this post is not my idea as it is something that my friend Roman Kobzarev put together for his co…
一.完整案例 先定义一个java实体对象,如下: package com.pcitc.json.cnblog; /** * SimInfo实体对象 * * @Description * @author admin * @created 2015年6月30日 上午10:23:21 * @version * @history * @see */ public class SimInfo { private String addTime; private String iccid; private i…
我们通常对一个json串和java对象进行互转时,经常会有选择性的过滤掉一些属性值.例如下面的实体类: package com.pcitc.json; /** * Person实体类 * * @Description * @author admin * @created 2015年6月29日 下午4:08:40 * @version * @history * @see */ public class Person { private String name; private String add…
生成JSONObject一般有两种方式,通过javabean或者map类型来生成.如下面的例子: 先定义一个User实体类: package com.pcitc.json; /** * 用户实体类 * * @Description * @author admin * @created 2015年6月29日 下午3:43:15 * @version * @history * @see */ public class User { public String username; public Str…
base64coder 可以查看官网: 我所涉及到的  base64coder调用: 某天,因需要修改Properties文件中的部分内容,而该内容是base64做过加密的,所有要进行解密.修改.加密.存储, 主要对 gui_preferences 中的color 进行修改,gui_preferences 在Properties文件中如下:   gui_preferences = rO0ABXNyABF… MVC is a new Framework built on the top of Microsoft .Net Framework to develop web application. This framework implements the MVC pattern which…