最近开发项目需要使用JWplayer插件播放视频,但是无论换那个版本.换什么样的视频总是提示Error loading media: File could not be played错误,废了好大的劲终于解决了,开始以为是视频编码的事,最后无意间发现是iis不支持.mp4格式播放的问题. 解决办法: IIS默认配置没有添加MP4文件,导致打开MP4文件会404. 打开IIS管理器,MIME类型 添加,扩展名为mp4,类型为video/mp4 点击确定. 问题解决了,测试地址:http://118…
I was having a problem with a grid toolbar template because of a # in a hrefWorked out that I needed to excape the # with \\\ and not \\ <script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="toolbarTemplate"> <div class='toolbar'> …
Solving a Spark error: Invalid signature file digest for Manifest main attributes When using spark-submit to run a jar, you may encounter this error: Invalid signature file digest for Manifest main attributes The error occurs when one of the included…
错误:Error loading document: Invalid XOD file: Zip end header data is wrong size! 解决:https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/pdfnet-webviewer/f-mdkNRsEbI streaming = true azureWorkaround = false function initViewer(url){ var viewerElement = document.ge…
error: invalid abbreviation code [25] for DIE at 0x0000003e in '/Users/mac/Desktop/MYiosfiles/test/XMPP即时通讯/XMPP即时通讯/Lib/XMPP/Vendor/libidn/libidn.a' Assertion failed: (*offset_ptr == end_prologue_offset), function ParsePrologue, file /SourceCache/dw…