练习4-5 原文 Exercise 4.5. Scheme allows an additional syntax for cond clauses, ( => ). If evaluates to a true value, then is evaluated. Its value must be a procedure of one argument; this procedure is then invoked on the value of the , and the result is…
摘要:软件本身不是目的,人类的需求才是目的,而软件只是达到目的的手段. 软件的本质在于控制复杂性,这个复杂性并非来自于计算机,也并非来自于现实世界,而是来自于人类的思维和知识体系. 软件被使用的广泛性,在于它所满足的人类需求的广泛性. 什么是软件? 从一个简单的例子说起,比如我想计算两个数的和,于是写下这样的python代码 print a + b 但是,这段代码是我的最终目的吗?显然不是,我需要把它在计算机上实际运行,并赋予a和b实际的数值.也许我是在水果,买了5块钱的苹果和10块钱的香蕉,然…
Chapter 1: Building Abstractions with Procedures 2015-09-29 016 Preface of this chapter QUOTE: The acts of the mind, where in it exerts its power over simple ideas, are chiefly these three ...... (John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding).…