A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. 检测到问题,Windows已关闭,以防止损坏您的计算机. kernel data inpage error if this is the first tiem you've seen this stop error screen. restart your computer. follow these st…
转自Windows常见蓝屏故障分析 症状描述: 当您在运行Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003.Microsoft Windows Vista/Server 2008.Microsoft Windows 7操作系统时,Windows可能会突然停止正常运行,并显示一副含有下述字样的蓝色背景错误信息画面: A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to…
原文地址:http://80x86.io/post/windows-blue-screen-0x00000050-page_fault_in_nonpaged_area 这里只截取一部分. windows死掉时,为什么“没有”产生dump文件?这个问题依旧不明. 于是再次用神一样的Google找到了答案. windows可以产生三种不同的dump文件: 完全内存dump 内核内存dump 迷你内存dump(64KB) Windows can generate any one of the fol…