C# calculate disk size】的更多相关文章

static void Main(string[] args) { string dir = @"C:\"; string[] dirs=Directory.GetDirectories(dir); ; if(dirs!=null && dirs.Any()) { foreach(string dr in dirs) { var size = new DirectoryInfo(dr).GetDirectorySize(); totalSize += size; Con…
知识点: 1.获取路径中的文件夹:Get-ChildItem $startFolder  | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $True} | Sort-Object 2.获取文件夹的总大小Get-ChildItem $i.FullName -recurse | Measure-Object -property length -sum 3. 正则表达式:$DBname=  $fullname -replace "^.*data\\" . 文档:\\…
The commands of Disk fdisk( the disk size is less 2TB) fdisk - partition table manipulator for Linux. options: -l :show all disk infotmation. start disk deal. parted(the size of disk is not limit) mkfs mkfs - buld a Iinux file System. For example: mk…
Here's the scenario: you've set up Dynamically Allocated Storage for the hard drive on your Guest VM in VirtualBox and you've run out of space - even though your Actual Size is smaller than the Virtual Size (this happened to me recently when my Virtu…
package disk import "syscall" //空间使用结构体 type DiskStatus struct {     Size uint64     Used uint64     Free uint64 } //空间使用情况 func DiskUsage(path string) (disk *DiskStatus, err error) {     fs := new(syscall.Statfs_t)     err = syscall.Statfs(path…
1. Increase disk space in vCenter 2. scan disk on the Linux VM # fdisk -lu > /tmp/fdisk. # > /sys/block/sdb/device/rescan # > /sys/block/sdd/device/rescan # fdisk -lu > /tmp/fdisk. 3. umount the partition # umount /Backup # umount /Data/ 4. Ex…
Mem pro 是一个主要集成内存泄露检测的工具,其具有自身的源码和GUI,在GUI中利用"Launch" button进行加载自己待检测的application,目前支持的平台为Windows,Unix, Linux, OSX, IOS, GCC:但是按照官网的说法,其虽然只能运行到WIN上,但是根据TCP协议传输dump的方式也可以和其他平台的app进行连接: 关于内存泄露,按照官方文档中的说法,其检测内存泄露的算法主要是两种,一种是在抓取dump时候未被引用的变量会被认定为泄露,…
Total Commander 8.52 Beta 1http://www.ghisler.com/852_b1.php 10.08.15 Release Total Commander 8.52 beta 1 (32/64) 05.08.15 Fixed: Windows 10: Loading drive buttonbar hanging on some devices (e.g. Surface Pro 3) when SD-Card was in internal card reade…
今日遇见一个开超市的朋友,真没想到在高校开超市一个月可以达到月净利润50K,相比起我们程序员的工资,真是不可同日而语,这个世道啊,真是做程序员不如经商开超市, 我们高科技的从业者,真是造原子弹不如卖茶叶蛋. 请见代码详细注释 //  修复涉及后视列表的Win2K兼容性 //  Fixes Win2K compatibility regarding lookaside lists. // #ifndef _WIN2K_COMPAT_SLIST_USAGE // Add content(增加内容)…
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from math import sqrt import shapefile from matplotlib import pyplot from descartes import PolygonPatch from shapely.geometry import Polygon, LineString, Point # used to import dictionary data to shapely…