How many Context Switches is “normal”? This depends very much on the type of application you run. If you've got applications which are very trigger-happy WRT syscalls you can expect to see high amounts of context switching. If most of your applicatio…
A context switch (also sometimes referred to as a process switch or a task switch) is the switching of the CPU (central processing unit) from one process or thread to another. A process (also sometimes referred to as a task) is an executing (i.e., ru…
The context is represented in the PCB of the process. It includes the value of the CPU registers, the process state (see Figure 3.2), and memory-management information. 上下文是保存在PCB里面的. 它包括了CPU寄存器的值, 进程状态, 和内存管理信息. Generically, we perform a state save…
In computing, a context switch is the process of storing and restoring the state (more specifically, the execution context) of a process or thread so that execution can be resumed from the same point at a later time. This enables multiple processes t…
How long does it take to make a context switch? FROM: That's a interesting question I'm willing to spend some of my time on. Someone at StumbleUpon emitted the hypothesis t…
FROM: That's a interesting question I'm willing to spend some of my time on. Someone at StumbleUpon emitted the hypothesis that with all the improvements in the Nehalem archi…
16.2 How would you measure the time spent in a context switch? 上下文转换发生在两个进程之间,比如让一个等待进程进入执行和让一个运行进程进入等待,这些在多任务中发生.操作系统需要把等待进程的信息放入内存和把当前运行的进程信息保存下来.为了解决这个问题,我们记录在切换进程时的最后和第一个指令的时间点,比如我们有两个进程P1和P2,P1在执行P2在等待,当我们切换P1和P2时,假设发生在P1的第N个指令,我们用tx,k来表示进程x的第k个…
3.4 The Sun UltraSPARC processor has multiple register sets. Describe what happens when a context switch occurs if the new context is already loaded into one of the register sets. What happens if the new context is in memory rather than in a register…