Scalatra--Introduction And Quick start】的更多相关文章

1.脚本 This directory includes some useful codes: 1. subset selection tools. (子集抽取工具) 2. parameter selection tools. (参数选优工具) 3. LIBSVM format checking tools(格式检查工具) Part I: Subset selection tools子集抽取 Introduction =========… Quick Start Guide This quick start assumes: Familiarity with Maven and Java A development environment with Java The following variables will be referenced in this tutorial Variable Description $mvnProject The root…
4.1. Using Spring for Apache Kafka This section offers detailed explanations of the various concerns that impact using Spring for Apache Kafka. For a quick but less detailed introduction, see Quick Tour for the Impatient. 4.1.1. Configuring Topics If…
A Quick Introduction to Linux Policy Routing 29 May 2013 In this post, I’m going to introduce you to policy routing as implemented in recent versions of Ubuntu Linux (and possibly other Linux distributions as well, but I’ll be using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS)…
Introduction to Profiler SQL Server Profiler — or just Profiler — is a tool that can help monitor all the queries that are being run on your database. This allows you to see a lot of information including CPU time, reads, writes, duration, and even t…
w3c reference : HTML user agents (e.g. Web browsers) then parse this markup, turning it into a DOM (Document Object Model) tree. A DOM tree is an in…
前言 Source Insight是一个面向项目开发的程序编辑器和代码浏览器,它拥有内置的对C/C++, C#和Java等程序的分析.能分析源代码并在工作的同时动态维护它自己的符号数据库,并自动显示有用的上下文信息.越是大规模的代码,越能显示出SI的强大之处.Linux服务器开发领域,很多时候代码往往是从Linux主机上copy一份到Windows,然后SI为其创建项目.代码在Windows上修改好后,用WinSCP上传到Linux主机替换源代码,或着使用Beyond Compare对比合并代码…
视频参考:Google C++ Testing GTest GMock Framework 为什么要使用 Google C++ Testing Framework? 使用这个框架有许多好理由.本文讨论其中几个. 某些类型的测试有糟糕的内存问题,这些问题只在某几次运行期间出现.Google 的测试框架为处理这种情况提供了出色的支持.可以使用 Google 框架重复运行相同的测试一千次.当出现故障的迹象时,自动地调用调试器.另外,这只需要在命令行上传递两个开关即可实现:--gtest_repeat=…
Introduction Scalatra是一款轻易级Scala web框架,通过Scalatra可以很轻易创建web Application,由Linkedln开源并遵循了Ruby Web框架的Sinatra的原则. 由于个人项目及为了更好的了解Scala的原因,需要款Scala栈的web框架来支撑后台的开发,感觉Scalatra很容易上手也比较容易理解,所以选择了它:官方上对Scalatra web项目的创建推荐使用的是sbt+giter8,想对于sbt我还是比较喜欢使用Maven. Qui…
The author has a course on web: It has more reading assignments and sliders which are good for you to understand ddg. ------------------------------------------------------------- DISCRETE DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY :…