能查询各大快递单号,包括申通快递,圆通快递,韵达快递等国内超过90家以上快递单号查询, 如果想快速搭建一个快递单号查询站我推荐这个,这是地址www.aikuaidi.cn,我分享一个VB Function kdcx(kd, orderid) Dim Err, url, kdtime, link, Errcode, Status Select Case kd '此处支持的快递公司很多的,我自己就常用这几个. Case "申通" kd = "shentong" Case…
Imports System.Text Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Public Class Form1 '引用win32api进行枚举窗体句柄操作 Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Int…
Multiple working copies within a single solution VisualSVN 7.0 and older require the solution file and all the projects to be located under the same filesystem subtree in a single working copy. VisualSVN 7.1 introduces support for multiple working co…