Sequence 1: Using find Scenario: Log in as user student. Devise and execute a find command that producesthe result described in each of the following problems, then write down thecommand in the space provided. You may need to refer to the man page fo…
Sequence 1: Configuring the bash Shell Deliverable: A system with new aliases that clear the screen, and produce a useful timesortedls listing. Instructions: 1. You have decided to create an alias so that when you type c, the system will run the clea…
Lab 6 Exploring the Bash Shell Sequence 1: Directory and file organization 1. Log in as user student with the password student. 2. [student@stationX ~]$ pwd/home/student 3. [student@stationX ~]$ touch {report,memo,graph}_{sep,oct,nov,dec}_{a,b,c}_{1,…
Lab 9 Using vim Sequence 1: Navigating with vim 1. Log in as user student 2. [student@stationX ~]$ cp /etc/passwd ~ 3. [student@stationX ~]$ vim ~/passwd 4. First, try moving around using such as the arrows, PgUp, PgDn.They should all work as expecte…
Lab 17 Installation and Administration Tools Goal: Become familiar with system configuration tools and successfully install Red Hat Enterprise Linux Lab Setup: Ensure that a server1 repository is available. Provide students with boot.iso disk. Warnin…
Lab 11 Process Control Sequence 1: Job Control 1. [student@stationX ~]$ su - 2. Begin some jobs in the background:[root@stationX ~]# tail -n0 -f /var/log/messages &[root@stationX ~]# updatedb & 3. [root@stationX ~]# service syslog restart 4. [root…
Lab 16 The Linux Filesystem Goal: Develop a better understanding of Linux filesystem essentials including: the creation and use of links, using locate and find, and archiving and compressing files. System Setup: A working, installed Red Hat Enterpris…
Lab 3 Getting Help with Commands Sequence 1: Using the Help Tools 1. man -f keyword whatis keyword list all man pages. 2. man -k keyword list all manual pages. 3. man -K keyword will be asked whether or not you would like to read it. 4. man 3 basenam…
Lab 5 File Permissions Sequence 1: Determining File Permissions 1. What is the symbolic representation644 rw-r--r--755 rwxr-xr-x000 ---------711 rwx--x--x700 rwx------777 rwxrwxrwx555 r-xr-xr-x111 --x--x--x600 rw-------731 rwx-wx--x 2. Given a file w…
Lab 4 Browsing the Filesystem Sequence 1: Directory and File Organization 1. Log in as user student with the password student. 2. [student@stationX ~]$ pwd/home/student 3. ls    ls -a    ls -al-a option includes files whose names begin with a period…