RESTful Console Application Introduction Inspirited by RESTFul architecture, A console application targeted to same goals would use a match of RESTful definitions. Design For convenience, we name the imaginary console application as 'app'. RESTful We…
Download in Install Spring.NET.exe Create a console application, and reference Spring.Core.dll. Add App.config to project, the content is as follows <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?&g… I tried to use a .cshtml file and the razor syntax in a console application. I was able to build the project, but the…
已知的问题: 1. 调试的时候会报IO 异常,非调试环境是正常的 2. Windows 应用程序才可以使用,可以用非windows应用程序包一层 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using Syst…
当你同时按下Option+Command+h键,就能把所有已打开的程序窗口(不包括当前正在运行的应用程序窗口)最小化到Dock栏上.注意不是关闭哦,是最小化哦.如果需要把程序窗口恢复到屏幕上,直接点击相应的应用程序图标就可以了. 如果你同时按下Option+Command键并点击桌面上空白的区域,就能把除Finder窗口以外的所有窗口隐藏起来,直接显示桌面.分别点击Dock栏上各个相关应用程序图标就可以解除窗口的隐藏状态了. Mac OS X隐藏所有窗口并显示桌面的快捷键是:F11. 使用快捷键…