CF472G Increase the Constraints】的更多相关文章

Increase the Constraints 定义两个等长的01字符串的汉明距离为它们字符不同的对应位置的个数. 给你两个01串S,T,现在有q个询问,每次指定S,T中两个定长的子串询问它们的汉明距离. 1≤|S|,|T|≤200000,1≤q≤400000 cz_xuyixuan的题解 字符不同=长度-字符相同.考虑到两个字符串的匹配问题可以用FFT处理,于是往FFT方面考虑. 分块FFT,令分块大小为B,进行O(\(\frac{n}{B}\))次FFT,处理出O(\(\frac{n}{B…
Description 给出两个01序列\(A\)和\(B\) 要求回答\(q\)个询问每次询问\(A\)和\(B\)中两个长度为\(len\)的子串的哈明距离 ​ 哈明距离的值即有多少个位置不相等 ​ \(1 \le |A|,|B| \le 2*10^5\) ​ \(1 \le q \le 4*10^5\) ​ 保证输入合法,序列下标从0开始 Solution ​ 大暴力分块,记录一下思想 ​ 题解做法比较繁琐 ​ 先求出每一个位置开始长度为32的序列状态,压进一个unsigned int ​…
题目大意 给出两个\(01\)序列\(A\)和\(B\) 哈明距离定义为两个长度相同的序列中,有多少个对应位置上的数字不一样 "00111" 和 "10101"的距离为2 \(Q\)次询问,每次询问给出\(p_1,p_2,len\) 求\(a{p_1},a{p_1+1}...a_{p_1+len-1}\) 和 \(b_{p_1},b_{p_1+1}...b_{p_1+len-1}\)两个子串的哈明距离 注意:本题中的序列是从\(0\)开始编号的:\(a_0,a_1,…
1. CF 438D The Child and Sequence 大意: n元素序列, m个操作: 1,询问区间和. 2,区间对m取模. 3,单点修改 维护最大值, 取模时暴力对所有>m的数取模. 因为取模后至少减半, 复杂度$O(nlognlogC)$ 2. CF 431E Chemistry Experiment 大意: n个试管, 第$i$个试管有$a_i$单位水银, m个操作: 1, 修改$a_x$改为$v$. 2, 将$v$单位水倒入试管, 求一种方案使得有水的试管水银与水总量的最大…
1. Introduction The Saga of Ryzom is a persistent massively-multiplayer online game (MMORPG) released in September 2004 throughout Europe and North America, localised in 3 languages so far. It has been developed by Nevrax since 2000, and was taken ov…
iOS Programming  Auto Layout: Programmatic Constraints  1.  However, if your views are created in code, then you will need to constrain them programmatically. 如果你的view是由代码创建的,那么你需要用编程限制它了. To have a view to work with, you are going to recreate the im…
States of Integrity Constraints As part of constraint definition, you can specify how and when Oracle Database should enforce the constraint, thereby determining the constraint state. Checks for Modified and Existing Data The database enables you to…
Go语言有一个不(奇)错(葩)的设计,就是build constraints(构建约束).可以在源码中通过注释的方式指定编译选项,比如只允许在linux下,或者在386的平台上编译啊之类的:还可以通过文件名来约束构造,比如xxxx_linux.go,就是只允许在linux下编译,xxx_windows_amd64.go就是只允许在windows x64下编译. 构建约束可以在很多文件中使用,不单单是GO文件.但是必须要注意的是,通过注释实施构建约束的话,比如要放在文件的开头,要优先于空行或和其他…
在进行版本的迭代更新时,新功能需求需要对主页面的UI进行重新的布局,但是,报了错误,出了好多约束方面的问题: Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints. Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want. Try this: (1) look at each constraint and try to figure out whi…
Is there any way in which I can clean a database in SQl Server 2005 by dropping all the tables and deleting stored procedures, triggers, constraints and all the dependencies in one SQL statement? REASON FOR REQUEST: I want to have a DB script for cle…