upgrade rubygems】的更多相关文章

gem install rubygems-update update_rubygems gem update --system gem update…
<Windows Azure Platform 系列文章目录>  Azure SQL Database (19) Stretch Database 概览      Azure SQL Database (20) 使用SQL Server 2016 Upgrade Advisor      Azure SQL Database (21) 将整张表都迁移到Azure Stretch Database里      Azure SQL Database (22) 迁移部分数据到Azure Stretc…
一,Introduce Extract DAC 是从现存的DB中创建DAC,抽取DB Object的definition 和 与之相关的实例级别的元素,比如Login,以及Login 和User之间的关系. The extraction process creates a DAC package file that contains definitions of the database objects and their related instance-level elements. For…
[转]http://nikcharlebois.com/upgrade-from-sharepoint-2010-to-sharepoint-2016/ In this blog, I will go through the process of upgrading your existing SharePoint 2010 farm to SharePoint 2016. Just like it has been the case with the last 3 product releas…
有台数据库服务器(开发服务器),开发人员邮件告诉我,SSMS连接不了这台服务器,远程登录后,发现SQL SERVER的服务停止了,启动服务时报错,服务启动不了.检查错误日志发现下面一些信息 2015-10-14 13:47:09.98 spid17s     The Service Broker endpoint is in disabled or stopped state. 2015-10-14 13:47:10.03 spid17s     The Database Mirroring e…
ubuntu sudo update与upgrade的作用及区别 入门linux的同志,刚开始最迫切想知道的,大概一个是中文输入法,另一个就是怎么安装软件.本文主要讲一下LINUX安装软件方面的特点.在windows下安装软件,我们只需要有EXE文件,然后双击,下一步直接OK就可以了.但在LINUX下,不是这样的.每个LINUX的发行版,比如UBUNTU,都会维护一个自己的软件仓库,我们常用的几乎所有软件都在这里面.这里面的软件绝对安全,而且绝对的能正常安装.那我们要怎么安装呢?在UBUNTU下…
解决SVN Upgrade working copy,无法上传到svn上的解决方案是SVN Upgrade working copy老有问题,而且还特别慢.还有种方法,将原来上传到svn的项目中有个.svn文件夹,将其删掉,就没有SVN Upgrade working copy这句话了,按照原来方式上传即可.…
故障描述 当要运行SharePonit Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard的时候,出现了如下图所示的错误提示. 错误信息为: Unable to upgrade SharePoint Products and Technologies because an upgrade is already in progress. Upgrade progress can be monitored using the Central Administ…
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- __authour__='CC' from Tkinter import *import osimport telnetlibimport timeimport shutilimport socketimport paramikoimport globimport reimport threading def thread_it(func, *args): '''将函数打包进线程''' # 创建 t = threading.Thread(target=…
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-#from ftplib import FTP __authour__='CC' import osimport telnetlibimport timeimport shutilimport socket#import pdbimport paramikofrom Tkinter import *import globimport re def get_version_path(n1,n2,n3): if(int(n2)==0 and int(n1…