implement min heap】的更多相关文章

Maintain a min-heap with size = k, to collect the result. //Find K minimum values from an unsorted array //Implement Min-Heap public int[] findKMax(int[] arr, int k){ if(arr == null || arr.length == 0) return null; int[] result = new int[k]; for(int…
class MinHeap{ private ArrayList<Integer> arr; private int DEFAULT_LEN = 10; public MinHeap(){ arr = new ArrayList<Integer>(DEFAULT_LEN); } //Use an existing array to build min heap public MinHeap(ArrayList<Integer> input){ this.arr = in…
Google面试题 股市上一个股票的价格从开市开始是不停的变化的,需要开发一个系统,给定一个股票,它能实时显示从开市到当前时间的这个股票的价格的中位数(中值). SOLUTION 1: 1.维持两个heap,一个是最小堆,一个是最大堆. 2.一直使maxHeap的size大于minHeap. 3. 当两边size相同时,比较新插入的value,如果它大于minHeap的最大值,把它插入到minHeap.并且把minHeap的最小值移动到maxHeap. ...具体看代码 /***********…
作者:Vamei 出处: 欢迎转载,也请保留这段声明.谢谢! 堆(heap)又被为优先队列(priority queue).尽管名为优先队列,但堆并不是队列.回忆一下,在队列中,我们可以进行的限定操作是dequeue和enqueue.dequeue是按照进入队列的先后顺序来取出元素.而在堆中,我们不是按照元素进入队列的先后顺序取出元素的,而是按照元素的优先级取出元素. 这就好像候机的时候,无论谁先到达候机厅,总是头等舱的乘客先登机,然后是商…
堆(Heap) The operations commonly performed with a heap are: create-heap: create an empty heap heapify: create a heap out of given array of elements find-max or find-min: find the maximum item of a max-heap or a minimum item of a min-heap (aka, peek) d…
In computer science, a heap is a specialized tree-based data structure that satisfies the heap property: If A is a parentnode of B then the key of node A is ordered with respect to the key of node B with the same ordering applying across the heap. Ei…
纸上谈兵: 堆 (heap)   作者:Vamei 出处: 欢迎转载,也请保留这段声明.谢谢! 堆(heap)又被为优先队列(priority queue).尽管名为优先队列,但堆并不是队列.回忆一下,在队列中,我们可以进行的限定操作是dequeue和enqueue.dequeue是按照进入队列的先后顺序来取出元素.而在堆中,我们不是按照元素进入队列的先后顺序取出元素的,而是按照元素的优先级取出元素. 这就好像候机的时候,无论谁先到达候机厅…
Source, git Heap is a data structure that can fundamentally change the performance of fairly common algorithms in Computer Science. The heap data structure is called a heap because it satisfies the heap property. The heap property states, that if P i…
A heap is a partially sorted binary tree. Although a heap is not completely in order, it conforms to a sorting principle: every node has a value less (for the sake of simplicity, we will assume that all orderings are from least to greatest) than eith…
There two methods to construct a heap from a unordered set of array. If a array has size n, it can be seen as a complete binary tree, in which the element indexed by i has its left children 2*i+1(if 2*i+1<n) and its right children 2*i+2(if 2*i+2<n),…