NAME uniq - report or omit repeated lines SYNOPSIS uniq [OPTION]... [INPUT [OUTPUT]] DESCRIPTION Filter adjacent matching lines from INPUT (or standard input), writing to OUTPUT (or standard output). With no options, matching lines are merged to the…
tr命令可以用来做简单的字符替换与删除,常用的有-d, -s选项.它的替换与删除是按单个字符来的 假设有以下文本: Read from the file words.txt and output the word frequency list to stdout. USE CASE 1: 将文本全部转化为大写 $ cat text.txt | tr [a-z] [A-Z] READ FROM THE FILE WORDS.TXT AND OUTPUT THE WORD FREQUENCY LIS…
1.Construct ssh key (If you want to commit to git server via THIS COMPUTER) git config --global " YOUR_USERNAME" git config --global "YOUR_EMAL@EMAIL.COM" cd ~/.ssh ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "YOUR_EMAIL@YOUREMAIL.C…
ls -a 查看一切文件 ls -l 查看目录文件信息 clear 清屏(信息保留屏幕) reset 清屏(所有信息) ls *.txt 查看所有txt文件 wc 统计文件 -l 行数: - c 统计字节数:- w 统计字数. top 查看CPU和内存 df -ht 查看磁盘空间 yum install -y iptraf (查看网速命令 iptraf) free -m 当前系统中内存使用量的情况(以M兆显示) who 查看系统当前用户 last 查看当前登录记录 history 查看历史命令…