Your code editor is your main development tool; you use it to write and save lines of code. Write better code faster by learning your editor's shortcuts and installing key plugins. Contents Install Sublime text editor Why use a package manager? Insta…
Package Control 在 Sublime Text 上大家都用 Package Control 来管理安装插件,所以它是我们要安装的第一个插件,安装方法见这里.关于 Package Control 的使用方法这里不再赘述. JSHint Linter 是帮助你检查代码问题的一类工具,帮你发现潜在的错误或不好的代码习惯.JSHint 是检查 JavaScript 代码的好工具,支持很多编辑器和 IDE . Sublime 上要使用 JSHint 可以安装:SublimeLinter-JS…
sw-toolbox: Github It provides a cononical implementation of all the runtime caching strategies that you need for you dynamice content. sw-precache: Github It takes care of caching and maintaing all the resources in your app shell sw-helpers: Github…