赞一下TMS Software 和 AdvStringGrid】的更多相关文章

非常久前给Support发Email问能不能在设计期给AdvStringGrid标题加个数字标识.每次我都是自己改代码加上去.这次升级到新版本号,没想到增加了这个功能: 功能虽小可是非常有用,非常多的事件和函数接口都是用Index的.有了这个就不用费力去对照了. 真心赞一个!…
http://blogs.embarcadero.com/davidi/2014/01/16/43281 There are many available Delphi and C++Builder components that will let you build cool desktop and mobile applications, fast. Here are just a few of the many component sets for FireMonkey. TMS Soft…
There are quite a few Firemonkey component sets available for Delphi Berlin which can get you ahead of the game when developing for Android and IOS. Think of component developers as another part of your team: they do the foundation work for you so yo…
There is the famous quote: "Everything starts with a dream" and many years ago, Michael Van Canneyt, one of the main contributors to the Lazarus and Free Pascal compiler project had the dream of having the Pascal language as a first-class langua…
声明:原创作品,转载时请注明文章来自SAP师太技术博客( 博/客/园www.cnblogs.com):www.cnblogs.com/jiangzhengjun,并以超链接形式标明文章原始出处,否则将追究法律责任!原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/jiangzhengjun/p/4292211.html 将一个RuestInclude 到另一Ruest中 SAP传输系统TMS 典型的传输过程:开发系统 =>测试系统 =>生产系统就是通过TMS实现的 下面以两个SAP个人学…
书籍 HTTP权威指南 <- @Fenng Introduction to Information Retrieval <- @陈利人 Lua 源码欣赏 <- @简悦云风 The Architecture of Open Source Applications <- @CloudFoundry(已陆续读了部分章节,赞!图灵社区有章节翻译) 程序设计实践 <- @寒冬winter 推荐语:薄薄200页,就能让一个掌握一门编程语言基础的人成为一个合格的程序员,其中“算法和数据结构…
TMS WEB CORE直接从HTML&CSS设计的页面布局 TMS WEB CORE支持DELPHI IDE中拖放控件,生成HTML UI.这种方式适合DELPHI和C++ BUILDER的程序员开发UI,是不能脱离语言IDE的. TMS Web core框架也完全开放直接从HTML&CSS设计的页面布局.框架的架构提供分离设计和代码,甚至由具有角色的人完成设计,即图形设计师. 那么,如何处理这种分离呢?幸运的是,以一种非常简单和直接的方式.这个HTML和UI控件之间的链接以及Delph…
Hybrid transaction memory systems and accompanying methods. A transaction to be executed is received, and an initial attempt is made to execute the transaction in a hardware path. Upon a failure to successfully execute the transaction in the hardware…
1.启动delphi7.2.File-->Open Project ...打开TMS component 源目录下的“tmsd7.bpg”. 3.在打开的窗口列表中,依次在各选项上点击鼠标右键,选择“Install”. 4.将源目录下所有的pas文件.dfm文件及“tmsdefs.inc”文件拷贝到“c:\program files\borland\delphi7\lib”下. 5.将源目录下的advgrid.res asgres.res asgspin.res的文件拷贝到“c:\program…
http://www.geekwire.com/2012/chart-pays-seattle-software-engineers/ Chart: Who pays the most in Seattle for software engineers BY JOHN COOK on February 2, 2012 at 3:14 pm     15 Comments Share  35 Tweet Share  19 Reddit Email FAQ: What to know for to…
CentOS / Redhat : Configure CentOS as a Software Router with two interfaces   Linux can be easily configured to share an internet connection using iptables. All you need to have is, two network interface cards as follows: a) Your internal (LAN) netwo…
Windows应用软件 Windows Applications (TBU) 全本推荐微软Windows 10操作系统 Quanben recommends Microsoft Windows 10 开发工具 Development Tools 软件名称Name of Application 版本认证Version 说明Description 适用平台System 评级Rating 官网或安全资源链接Offcial/Download Link Git for Windows 当前版本Curren…
一下操作是在advstringgrid7.4.6.3版本下有效,advstringgrid控件名设置为 zy 一.属性设置 1.修改单元格内的值:zy.cells[col,row]='value'; 2.设置字体:属性找到Font设置普通单元格内字体,Fixfont设置列行标题字体: 3.设置某单元格背景颜色,zy.Colors[acol,arow] := RGB(255,116,56); 4.设置某行字体zy.RowFontColor[i] := clred; 5.多行设置,属性Options…
原文作者:kkun 原文地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/kkun/archive/2011/07/06/agile_software_development.html 敏捷是什么 敏捷开发是一种软件开发方法,基于迭代和增量开发,通过自组织,跨团队,沟通协作完成开发工作. 敏捷宣言的诞生 2001年2月11日到13日,17位软件开发领域的领军人物聚集在美国犹他州的滑雪胜地雪鸟(SnowBird)雪场.经过两天的讨论,“敏捷”(Agile)这个词为全体聚会者所接受,用以概括一套全…
First we should know some basic conceptions about network: 1.Every PC is supposed to have its own IP,So we can connent other's PC by WAN.That's just like a ID of netwrok world.   2.But if  every PC has its own IP,Then IPs of this world will be insuff…
Atitit GRASP(General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns),中文名称为"通用职责分配软件模式" 1. GRASP (职责分配原则)1 1.1. GRASP设计模式 1 1.2. 9个基本的OO设计原则或基本的设计构件.这9个设计模式分别是:创建者(Creator).信息专家(Information Expert).低耦合(Low Coupling).控制器(Controller).高内聚(High Cohesion…
用Java客户端程序访问Java Web服务器时出错: java.net.SocketException: Software caused connection abort: socket write error at java.net.SocketOutputStream.socketWrite0(Native Method) at java.net.SocketOutputStream.socketWrite(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocketOutputS…
最近在整一台华硕笔记本,大概有5年寿命了吧,质量还行,由于系统出了问题,打算用自制U盘WinPE进去修复一下.按照个人经验,在主板设置里启用了USB启动选项,并且设置USB启动顺序为第一个,可是进系统居然报错,如下图所示. Windows failed to start. A Recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem: 1. Insert your windows installation…
软件开发流程(Software development process)即软件设计思路和方法的一般过程,包括设计软件的功能和实现的算法和方法.软件的总体结构设计和模块设计.编程和调试.程序联调和测试以及编写.提交程序.1需求调研分析 ●相关系统分析员和用户初步了解需求,然后用WORD列出要开发的系统的大功能模块,每个大功能模块有哪些小功能模块,对于有些需求比较明确相关的界面时,在这一步里面可以初步定义好少量的界面. ●系统分析员深入了解和分析需求,根据自己的经验和需求用WORD或相关的工具再做出…
COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE DESIGNING FOR PERFORMANCE NINTH EDITION Software cache coherence schemes attempt to avoid the need for additional hard-ware circuitry and logic by relying on the compiler and operating system to deal with the pr…
关于Ubuntu 汉化时的错误解决:按照网上的方法没有解决 最后 删掉thunderbird mail .这个软件,顺利解决!! 错误:thunderbird-locale-en: Depends: thunderbird (>= 1:24.4.0+build1-0ubuntu1) ubuntu software database is broken错误该怎么解决?安装Ubuntu之后默认英文,选简体中文,正常来说这样装好就应该能用的,可是这个时候又出现了错误broken package dat…
When I was studying Philosophy at Berkeley, a friend told me that she could tell who was going to be rich and who was not. Fascinating, I thought. But when I asked how, she refused to answer and only said that I would figure it out. So after 20 years…
Blender Blender is the best free and open source 3D modelling program out there by a long shot! The program is under constant development, has a huge community and has been used in many major films for video editing and 3D concepts. As Said before bl…
http://www.agner.org/optimize/#manuals 阅读笔记Optimizing software in C++   7. The efficiency of different C++ constructs 栈的速度快是因为,总是反复访问同一段地址,如果没有大的数组,肯定实在L1 cahce中. 全局静态区,global,static变量,float constants, string constants, array initializer lists,switch…
recourse: "Software Engineering", Ian Sommerville Keywords for this chapter: planning scheduling cost estimation Project planning takes place at three stages in a project life cycle: At the proposal stage (When you are bidding for a contract to…
I've learned a lot in my software engineering class about how a program comes out.That's also a essential part from the whole procedure. Here I wanna share something in my mind with you. 一般说来,我们可以把软件的生命周期划分为软件定义.软件开发.软件运行三个时期. 软件定义时期是生命周期的第一个时期,也是软件开…
Motivation 程序员是否需要在处理一致性问题或者同步时,一定要make hands dirty?能不能专注于应用级原子性,而无需考虑低层操作系统.运行时支持的原子性概念或者语言构造? 软件事务性内存(Software Transactional Memory, STM)提供了一种机制,极大的减少了业务型程序员在处理并发任务时所需投入的努力. Scope 这一领域相对而言比较新但不是很新,尤其对具有关系型或得关系型数据库领域知识背景的人来说. 本文不对该概念起源和研究趋势做任何阐述和探究,…
VS2010打开.csproj工程文件报错,不能加载,错误信息如下: 无法计算HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions\14.0@VCTargetPath处的属性表达式 这一般是由于安装了Vs2015和VS2010冲突产生的我问题,即使卸载了VS2015也无济于事. 解决办法: 打开windows+R输入regedit,进入注册表找到:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Mi…
Every great piece of software begins with customer's big idea. As a professional softeware developer, it's your job bring the idea into life, turning it into working code that satisfies your customers. Deliver software that's needed, on time & on bud…
开源与成熟商业的瓦片地图服务(TMS  2  WMTS),都有如下共同的特性,基本成为了标准: (1) 坐标系:WGS84 (2) 投影:墨卡托投影(Marcator,正轴等角圆柱投影) -------------------------------------------- 注:均为弧度. (3) 当经度范围在[-180,180],投影为正方形时,纬度范围:[-85.05113, 85.05113] (4) 图片大小:256*256 (5) 图片格式:jpg[有损压缩率高.不透明]   png…