Turning USB peripherals into BadUSB USB devices are connected to – and in many cases even built into – virtually all computers. The interface standard conquered the world over the past two decades thanks to its versatility: Almost any computer periph…
转自:http://www.linux-usb.org/ Welcome to the home of the Linux USB Project This web site was created to serve as a central point of information for USB support under Linux. We've released our first press release. Information on this web site The infor…
在USB编程之前要事先了解一下GUID的概念. 应用其他网页中的定义: 全球唯一标识符 (GUID) 是一个字母数字标识符,用于指示产品的唯一性安装.在许多流行软件应用程序(例如 Web 浏览器和媒体播放器)中,都使用 GUID.    GUID 的格式为“xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”,其中每个 x 是 0-9 或 a-f 范围内的一个十六进制的数字.例如:6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00C04FC964FF 即为有效的 GUID…
http://blog.csdn.net/kevinx_xu/article/details/12951131 需求:USB Headset插上去后,声音要从本地CODEC切换到USB Headset输出/输入. 上网搜了有关USB Audio Hotplug的东西,比较适用的资源如下: 1.Hotplugging USB audio devices (Howto) 题目看起来很吻合我们的问题,事实上并没有多少参考价值.其中脚本/etc/hotplug/usb/extigy或许可以捕捉到USB…
转自:http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-20543183-id-1930831.html   ------------------------------------------ 本文系本站原创,欢迎转载! 转载请注明出处:http://ericxiao.cublog.cn/ ------------------------------------------ 一:前言 Usb是一个很复杂的系统.在usb2.0规范中,将其定义成了一个分层模型.linux中的代码也是按照…
stsw-stm32121库中: 把数据copy到对应端点的发送缓冲区后,使能发送状态编码STAT_TX=VALID,这时候usb的该端点就可以发送数据了 ----->即先调用usb_sil.c中的USB_SIL_Write(),然后调用SetEPRxValid(uint8_t bEpNum)函数. 或者STM32Cube中库文件stm32f1xx_ii_usb.c:中函数USB_WritePMA(),然后调用PCD_SET_EP_TX_STATUS(USBx, ep->num, USB_EP…
(转)USB (Universal Serial Bus) 全文地址:http://vlewang.blog.163.com/blog/static/105878151201032804347546/ USB(通用串行总线)是用于将适用USB的外围设备连接到主机的外部总线结构,其主要是用在中速和低速的外设,.USB是通过PCI总线和PC的内部系统数据线连接,实现数据的传输,.USB同时又是一种通信协议,他支持主系统(host)和USB的外围设(device)之间的数据传输. USB的动机1 连接…
转载:http://arasan.com/products/usb/usb-2-0/hsic-phy/ High Speed Inter-CHIP USB 2.0 PHY USB is the ubiquitous peripherals interconnect of choice for large number of computing and consumer applications. Many systems provide a comprehensive set of driver…
Power OFF and ON USB device in linux (ubuntu) http://loginroot.com/power-off-and-on-usb-device-in-linux-ubuntu/ There are two methods of doing this. So first method is for kernels after 2.6.32, and second for older ones. To view kernel version, simpl…
Protecting computer systems from attacks that attempt to change USB topology and for ensuring that the system's information regarding USB topology is accurate is disclosed. A software model is defined that, together with secure USB hardware, provides…