作者:Sinsonglew 出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/sinsonglew 欢迎转载,也请保留这段声明.thanks :) 注记:NCL官方依赖安装包全集列表.官方源码编译指导链接:http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Download/build_from_src.shtml,以下安装步骤如有不明,请参见官网链接对应条目. 1. NCL安装文件目录说明 ncl6.0.0 安装目录:/usr/ncar/ncl_ncarg-6.0.0 ncl编译依赖库压缩文件目…
http://www.tuicool.com/articles/v6j2Ab Snort is by far the most popular open-source network intrusion detection and prevention system (IDS/IPS) for Linux. Snort can conduct detailed traffic analysis, including protocol analysis, packet content search…
本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/9587bb47/,欢迎阅读! compile and install poco cpp library on windows Series guide to compile and install poco cpp library on windows guide to compile and install poco cpp library on ubuntu 16.04 Guide download wget https:…
How to compile and install Linux Kernel 5.1.2 from source code Compiling a custom kernel has its advantages and disadvantages. However, new Linux user/admin find it difficult to compile Linux kernel. Compiling kernel needs to understand few things an…
Maven是一个项目构建管理工具,使用相应的命令 就可以快速完成项目的编译 打包. 1.下载maven,直接解压目录就可以了,配置maven的环境变量就可以在window下的任何文件夹下以命令的方式执行maven操作,而不必在maven的bin目录下输入命令.(配置 M2_HOME环境变量),maven必须在jdk环境下运行 2.maven项目包含一个主要的pom.xml文件,里面是整个项目的相关依赖配置,用户管理jar包等相关项目结构. <?xml version="1.0"…
(1) package 目的是打包,在pom中,如果是jar就会打包成jar,如果是war就会打包成war 在pom.xml中: <modelVersion></modelVersion> <groupId>com.sankuai.qcs</groupId> <artifactId>qcs-regulation-core</artifactId> <version>1.1-SNAPSHOT</version>…
本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/281dd8cd/,欢迎阅读! guide to compile and install poco cpp library on ubuntu 16.04 Series guide to compile and install poco cpp library on windows guide to compile and install poco cpp library on ubuntu 16.04 Guide apt-ge…
本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/39ab7ed9/,欢迎阅读最新内容! compile and install cgal on ubuntu 16.04 Guide version: 4.13.1 install wget https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/releases/download/releases%2FCGAL-4.13.1/CGAL-4.13.1.zip cd CGAL-4.13.1 mkdir build && c…
本文首发于个人博客https://kezunlin.me/post/1cd6a04d/,欢迎阅读最新内容! tutorial to compile and install mplack on ubuntu 16.04 Guide mlpack: a scalable C++ machine learning library dependencies Armadillo >= 6.500.0 Boost CMake >= 3.3.2 Armadillo: c++ linear algebra l…
w https://linux.die.net/man/1/bash bash - GNU Bourne-Again SHell Description Bash is an sh-compatible command language interpreter that executes commands read from the standard input or from a file. Bash also incorporates useful features from the Kor…