首先要明白的一个概念是dcu文件 *.dcu是*.pas的编译后单元文件(Delphi Compiled Unit), 编译器把它和库文件连接起来就构成了可执行文件*.exe 或*.dll等,相当于C中的obj文件.你所说的AgentObjects_TLB.dcu文件不一定在你的机器存在过它很可能是被编进*.bpl库文件中的,不是单独存在的,IDE环境下出错后有时不报*.bpl,而是报它的组成部分. 编译时,源文件没有修改过的,就不会再次编译,直接调用dcu文件.所以有些第三方组件为了保护代码,…
By default, -l option will search libraries with lib* prefix in speficied search paths. i.e. 1 ld -o a.out -lA cppmain.o will search libA.so/libA.a in all library search paths. but it is possbile to set library by using a path & any filename(without…
How to check if one path is a child of another path? Unfortunately it's not as simple as StartsWith. Here's a better answer, adapted from this duplicate question. I've made it an extension method for ease of use. Also using a brute-force catch as jus…
Python  os.path.dirname(__file__) 与 Python os.path.abspath(__file__) 的区别 os.path.abspath(__file__)返回的是.py文件的绝对路径(完整路径)os.path.dirname(__file__)返回的是.py文件的目录 import os base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) driver_path = os.path.abspath…
fastDFS errcode:9 path:Bad file descriptor errcode:22 path:Invalid argument <error>status:4 errcode:9 path:Bad file descriptor</error> $storage = fastdfs_tracker_query_storage_store();if (!fastdfs_active_test($tracker)){ $result['status'] = 4;…
示例: XAML(代码A): <Page xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" >   <Canvas> <!--这是使用PathFigureCollection的表示方法--> <Path Stroke="Bla…
I got the same error when uploading my app. Moving all icon files to the Asset Catalog works if your app supports iOS 5.0 and up. If your app still needs to support lower versions of iOS (like mine), the solution is to use the CFBundleIconFiles key i…
OS: Application.dataPath :                    Application/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/xxx.app/Data Application.streamingAssetsPath : Application/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/xxx.app/Data/Raw Application.persistentDataPath :    Applic…
1.报错现象 应用提交新包出现报错,切换渠道没问题,但替换回原来的图片资源就出问题了. 明显原因出在图片资源上 2.解决办法 找到原始1024的图片,将图片打开,使用截图工具截图,不要使用另存为的方式,另存为的方式无效 再使用工具生成图标就可以了…
目前在学习ASP.NET CORE MVC中,今天看到微软在ASP.NET CORE MVC 2.0中又恢复了允许开发人员引用第三方DLL程序集的功能,感到甚是高兴!于是我急忙写了个Demo想试试,我的项目结构如下: 可以看到解决方案中就两个项目,AspNetCoreWebApp就是一个ASP.NET CORE MVC 2.0的项目,而MyNetCoreLib是一个.Net Core 2.0的类库项目,为了体现AspNetCoreWebApp是通过程序集来引用MyNetCoreLib的,我还在解…