Understanding the managed heap】的更多相关文章

Understanding the managed heap   Another common problem faced by many Unity developers is the unexpected expansion of the managed heap. In Unity, the managed heap expands much more readily than it shrinks. Furthermore, Unity’s garbage collection stra…
摘要 : NetExt中有两个比较常用的命令可以用来分析heap上面的对象. 一个是!wheap, 另外一个是!windex. !wheap 这个命令可以用于打印出heap structure信息. heap 上 object汇总后的信息. 这个命令也可以按照一些条件过滤出objects, 不过执行速度比较慢. 在这一点上, 更推荐!windex.!windex是一个非常常用的命令. 这个命令可以用来查找heap上面实现某个interface, 继承某个abstract class 或者clas…
Allocating Resources from the Managed Heap The CLR requires that all objects be allocated from the managed heap. When a process is initialized, the CLR allocates a region of address space for the managed heap. The CLR also maintains a pointer, which…
原文地址:http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1409801&seqNum=4 Debugging Managed Heap Fragmentation Earlier in the chapter, we described a phenomenon known as heap fragmentation, in which free and busy blocks are arranged and interleaved on th…
前言   虽然在.Net Framework 中我们不必考虑内在管理和垃圾回收(GC),但是为了优化应用程序性能我们始终需要了解内存管理和垃圾回收(GC).另外,了解内存管理可以帮助我们理解在每一个程序中定义的每一个变量是怎样工作的.   简介 这一节我们将介绍垃圾回收机制GC以及一些提搞程序性能的技巧.     绘图Graphing   让我们站在GC的角度研究一下.如果我们负责“扔垃圾”,我们需要制定一个有效的“扔垃圾”计划.显然,我们需要判断哪些是垃圾,哪些不是.   为了决定哪些需要保留…
首先堆栈和堆(托管堆)都在进程的虚拟内存中.(在32位处理器上每个进程的虚拟内存为4GB) 堆栈stack 堆栈中存储值类型. 堆栈实际上是向下填充,即由高内存地址指向低内存地址填充. 堆栈的工作方式是先分配内存的变量后释放(先进后出原则). 堆栈中的变量是从下向上释放,这样就保证了堆栈中先进后出的规则不与变量的生命周期起冲突! 堆栈的性能非常高,但是对于所有的变量来说还不太灵活,而且变量的生命周期必须嵌套. 通常我们希望使用一种方法分配内存来存储数据,并且方法退出后很长一段时间内数据仍然可以使…
基于托管的C++来使用WPF - Using WPF with Managed C++ Posted by Zeeshan Amjad This article was originally published on August 12th, 2009 1. Introduction The purpose of this article is two folds. At the first half we discuss what WPF is. In addition we studied…
.NET Framework (pronounced dot net) is a software framework developed by Microsoft that runs primarily on Microsoft Windows. It includes a large class library known as Framework Class Library (FCL) and provides language interoperability (each languag…
From http://geekswithblogs.net/akraus1/archive/2012/07/25/150301.aspx I have written already some time ago how big a .NET object is. John Skeet as also made a very detailed post about object sizes in .NET. I wanted to know if we can deduce the object…
转自:http://blog.takipi.com/garbage-collectors-serial-vs-parallel-vs-cms-vs-the-g1-and-whats-new-in-java-8/?utm_source=blog&utm_medium=in-post&utm_content=gcmisconceptions&utm_campaign=java The 4 Java Garbage Collectors – How the Wrong Choice Dr…