2018 AICCSA Programming Contest】的更多相关文章

2018 AICCSA Programming Contest A Tree Game B Rectangles 思路:如果存在大于0的交面积的话, 那么肯定能找到一条水平的直线 和 一条垂直的直线, 使得水平直线的左右两边点的个数相等且为n, 垂直直线的左右两边点的个数相等且为n 也就是说不能有点在这两条线上, 否则交面积为0 然后左上角的点和右下角的点配对, 左下角的点和右上角的点配对 代码: #pragma GCC optimize(2) #pragma GCC optimize(3) #…
题目链接  gym101778 Problem A 转化成绝对值之后算一下概率.这个题有点像 2018 ZOJ Monthly March Problem D ? 不过那个题要难一些~ #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define rep(i, a, b) for (int i(a); i <= (b); ++i) #define dec(i, a, b) for (int i(a); i >= (b); --i) #d…
原文链接https://www.cnblogs.com/zhouzhendong/p/AtCoder-SoundHound-Inc-Programming-Contest-2018-E.html 题目传送门 - AtCoder SoundHound Inc. Programming Contest 2018 E 题意 给定一个无向连通图,有 $n$ 个节点 $m$ 条带权边,第 $i$ 条边连接 $x_i,y_i$ ,权值为 $s_i$ ,没有重边.自环. 现在,请你给每一个节点取一个正整数点权…
2018 ACM-ICPC, Syrian Collegiate Programming Contest A Hello SCPC 2018! 水题 B Binary Hamming 水题 C Portals 思路:并查集维护连通性 代码: //#pragma GCC optimize(3) //#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:102400000,102400000") //c++ // #pragma GCC diagnostic error &quo…
2018 German Collegiate Programming Contest (GCPC 18) Attack on Alpha-Zet 建树,求lca 代码: #include <algorithm> #include <iterator> #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <iomanip> #include <bit…
题目来源 The 2018 ACM-ICPC China JiangSu Provincial Programming Contest 35.4% 1000ms 65536K Persona5 Persona5 is a famous video game. In the game, you are going to build relationship with your friends. You have N friends and each friends have his upper b…
layout: post title: (寒假开黑gym)2018 ACM-ICPC, Syrian Collegiate Programming Contest(爽题) author: "luowentaoaa" catalog: true tags: mathjax: true - codeforces - DP - 状态压缩 - LCA 传送门 付队! C - Greetings! (状态压缩) 题意 给N种信件,你可以任意选择K种信封装信件,问你最少的浪费是多少 不能大的信件装…
ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, Tishreen Collegiate Programming Contest (2018) Syria, Lattakia, Tishreen University, April, 30, 2018 Problem A. Can Shahhoud Solve it? Problem B. Defeat the Monsters Problem C. UCL Game Night Problem…
layout: post title: (寒假开黑gym)2018 ACM-ICPC, Syrian Collegiate Programming Contest author: "luowentaoaa" catalog: true tags: mathjax: true - codeforces 传送门 付队! 许老师! Hello SCPC 2018! (签到) #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef…
layout: post title: 2018-2019 ACM-ICPC Nordic Collegiate Programming Contest (NCPC 2018) author: "luowentaoaa" catalog: true tags: mathjax: true - codeforces 传送门 付队! B.Baby Bites (签到模拟) 按照题意模拟就行了 int a[maxn]; string s; int main() { std::ios::syn…