body { font-family: Monospaced; font-size: 12pt } pre { font-family: Monospaced; font-size: 12pt } Problem Statement You have an array with N elements. Initially, each element is 0. You can perform the following operations: Increment operation:…
Problem Statement Recently, Alice had to take a test. The test consisted of a sequence of true/false questions. Alice was completely unprepared for the test, so she just guessed each answer. You are given the following inputs: an int questions: the n…
250: 题目大意: 在一个N行无限大的网格图里,每经过一个格子都要付出一定的代价.同一行的每个格子代价相同. 给出起点和终点,求从起点到终点的付出的最少代价. 思路: 最优方案肯定是从起点沿竖直方向走到某一行,然后沿水平方向走到终点那一列,然后再沿竖直方向走到终点那一行. 枚举是通过哪一行的格子从起点那列走到终点那列的,求个最小值就好了. 代码: // BEGIN CUT HERE // END CUT HERE #line 5 "LongMansionDiv1.cpp" #incl…
Problem Statement Manao is playing a new game called Reflections. The goal of the game is transferring an artifact in 3-dimensional space from point (0, 0, 0) to point (X, Y, Z). There are two types of moves in the game: 1) The player can move t…