Associative Containers】的更多相关文章

关联式容器(associative containers) 根据数据在容器中的排列特性,容器可分为序列式(sequence)和关联式(associative)两种. 标准的STL关联式容器分为set(集合)和map(映射表)两大类,以及两大类的衍生体multiset(多键集合)和multimap(多键映射表).这些容器的底层机制均是以RB-tree(红黑树)完成.RB-tree也是一个独立的容器,但并不开放给外界使用. 此外,SGI STL还提供一个不在规格标准之列的关联式容器:hash tab…
Notes from C++ Primer Associative containers differ in fundamental respect from the sequential containers: elements in associative containers are stored and retrieved by a key, in contrast to elements in a sequential container, which are stored and a…
关联容器 和 顺序容器 的本质差别在于: 关联容器通过键(key)存储和读取元素,而顺序容器则通过元素在容器中的位置顺序存储和访问元素. Reference: Continue... 有点多 关联容器类型 map 关联数组:元素通过键来存储和读取 set 大小可变的集合,支持通过键实现的快速读取 multimap 支持同一个键多次出现的 map 类型 multiset 支…
Container classes are one of the cornerstones of object-oriented programming, invaluable tools that free us from having to permanently think about memory management. Qt comes with its own set of container classes, closely modeled after those in the S…
std::set template < class T, // set::key_type/value_type class Compare = less<T>, // set::key_compare/value_compare class Alloc = allocator<T> // set::allocator_type > class set; Set Sets are containers that store unique elements followi…
std::multimap template < class Key, // multimap::key_type class T, // multimap::mapped_type class Compare = less<Key>, // multimap::key_compare class Alloc = allocator<pair<const Key,T> > // multimap::allocator_type > class multima…
std::map template < class Key, // map::key_type class T, // map::mapped_type class Compare = less<Key>, // map::key_compare class Alloc = allocator<pair<const Key,T> > // map::allocator_type > class map; Map Maps are associative co…
std::multiset template < class T, // multiset::key_type/value_type class Compare = less<T>, // multiset::key_compare/value_compare class Alloc = allocator<T> > // multiset::allocator_type > class multiset; Multiple-key set Multisets a…
<C++ Primer 4th>读书笔记 关联容器和顺序容器的本质差别在于:关联容器通过键(key)存储和读取元素,而顺序容器则通过元素在容器中的位置顺序存储和访问元素. 关联容器(Associative containers)支持通过键来高效地查找和读取元素.两个基本的关联容器类型是 map 的元素以键-值(key-value)对的形式组织:键用作元素在 map 中的索引,而值则表示所存储和读取的数据.set仅包含一个键,并有效地支持关于某个键是否存在的查询. 关联容器类型…
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