daily plan】的更多相关文章

1.课内作业:物联网工程导论论文. 2.实验项目计划:学习Kinect彩色帧读取. 3.算法:LeetCode 动态规划一题. 4.英语:听力30分钟训练,英语单词. 今日心情: 进度反馈:计划基本完成,英语学习的时间较少,学习了of的用法,明天要花两个小时以上时间学习英语.LeetCode没想出来看了题解,数学归纳思想,当思路清晰时,代码可以写的很简单.…
想了想自己留的坑有点多了,写个计划提醒自己 一些没做出来的题 csp-s模拟测试54 z csp-s模拟测试b层加餐 string 平衡树+并查集 因为某杰的**安排,没时间改了csp-s模拟测试47 字符消除2 KMPcsp-s模拟测试45 weight 树链剖分,最小生成树csp-s模拟测试43 B 神仙DP????csp-s模拟测试42 密码 数学??NOIP模拟测试38 赤(red) wqs二分......大概坑还很多........ 一些杂题 1.消防(树上直径) 2.SZN 3.期末…
REMEMBER US. haruka是可爱的孩子. 如题,此博客用来记录我停课后的日常. Dear Diary 10.8 上午考试. T1,直接枚举每一个点最后一次被修改的情况.(100pts) T2,有一个递推式,但由于数据较大,需要用矩阵快速幂来优化.(20pts 已改) T3,看出来了是最短路+0/1分数规划,但是因为考试策略的问题,导致没有时间深入思考.(0pts 未改) To Solve List: 1.对拍不熟练. 2.学习矩阵快速幂.(Solved) 3.复习0/1分数规划. 4…
测试计划(Test Plan) 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载. 测试计划的概念: 测试计划是一个文档,描述了进行测试的测试范围,测试策略和方法,测试资源和进度.是对整个测试活动进行的一个宏观的规划,确定了测试项目,测试任务,谁来执行任务,被测试特性,不被测试特性以及过程中可能存在的风险等.测试计划能够有效的预防计划的风险,保证了测试活动能够在计划范围内顺利的开展. 测试计划的目的:             ①制定一个可行性的计划,包括测试对象,测试范围,测试方法和策略,测试…
http://acm.timus.ru/problem.aspx?space=1&num=1982 1982. Electrification Plan Time limit: 0.5 secondMemory limit: 64 MB Some country has n cities. The government has decided to electrify all these cities. At first, power stations in k different cities…
History[edit] Scrum was first defined as "a flexible, holistic product development strategy where a development team works as a unit to reach a common goal" as opposed to a "traditional, sequential approach" in 1986 by Hirotaka Takeuch…
You will need to identify how you want your maintenance plan to be setup. In this example the maintenance plan will be setup with full backups, differentials, and transactions logs. Check SQL Server Agent Service Verify the SQL Server Agent service i…
English daily notes 2015年 4月 Phrases 1. As a side note #作为附注,顺便说句题外话,和by the way意思相近,例句: @1:As a side note, there is no equivalent to tapply in the plyr package. 2. Across the range of #各种/各类/所有的,例句 @1:In order to improve all the mechanism, we' are l…
I joined Analytics Vidhya as an intern last summer. I had no clue what was in store for me. I had been following the blog for some time and liked the community, but did not know what to expect as an intern. The initial few days were good – all the in…
Automated Testing Detail Test PlanAutomated Testing DTP Overview This Automated Testing Detail Test Plan (ADTP) will identify the specific tests that are to be performed to ensure the quality of the delivered product. System/Integration Test ensures…