Catalog of Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture Last Significant Update: January 2003 A short summary of the patterns in Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (P of EAA). | Japanese | Russian | These pages are a brief overview of…
JavaScript Application Architecture On The Road To 2015 I once told someone I was an architect. It’s true in a way since I now have to design an intricate web of lies to back it up. On a serious note, I thought it might be salutary to look at the sta…
学到EJB方面的内容,遇到了很多问题,翻阅了无数遍Java EE和Weblogic的官方文档,在google上进行了无数次搜索都没有答案,可能我要找的答案太冷门.这一切都起源于Java EE官方文档里的“cart”例子,我被他迷惑了整整一天.因为这个项目在Netbeans+GlassFish环境下可以运行的很好,直接右击项目,点运行就可以了.结果拿到Eclipse来,碰到了一堆问题,不是注入的EJB变量为Null要不就是找不到类.经过一天的摸索,现在终于有点头绪了,现在整理出来,希望可以帮助大家…
 Application Architecture Determines Application Performance Randy Stafford AppliCATion ARCHiTECTuRE dETERMinES application performance. That might seem rather obvious, but real-world experience shows that it's not. For example, software architects…
At Stackify, we understand the amount of effort that goes into creating great applications. That’s why we build tools for Application Performance Management (APM), log management, and a whole suite of application support tools (in one solution) to ma…
原文地址: Every developer must understand two things: Architecture design is necessary. Fancy architecture diagrams don’t descri…
1.1 Plan the application layers 提到了repository pattern,SoC(Separation of Concern), 进而提及MVC,Action/Action results,Route/Routing (IHttpHandler, MvcHandler, IControllerFactory),Asynchronous Controllers,Views (Strongly-typed views, View-specific model, pa…
java设计模式大全 Design pattern samples in Java(最经典最全的资料) 2015年06月19日 13:10:58 阅读数:11100 Design pattern samples in Java. Build status: Introduction Design patterns are formalized best practices that the programmer can use to solve common problems when desi…
旅程4:扩展和增强订单和注册限界上下文 进一步探索订单和注册的有界上下文. "我明白,如果一个人想看些新鲜的东西,旅行并不是没有意义的."儒勒·凡尔纳,环游世界80天 对限界上下文的更改: 前一章详细描述了订单和注册限界上下文.本章描述了在CQRS之旅的第二阶段,团队在这个限界上下文中所做的一些更改. 本章的主题包括: 改进RegistrationProcessManager类中消息相关的工作方式.这说明了限界上下文中的聚合实例如何以复杂的方式进行交互. 实现一个记录定位器,使注册者能…