Top 10 IDs base on their value First , we need to set the reduce to 1. For each map task, it is not a good idea to output each key/value pair. Instead, we can just output the top 10 IDs based on their value. So, less data will be written to disk and…
Map Reduce Application(Partitioninig/Group data by a defined key) Assuming we want to group data by the year(2008 to 2016) of their [last access date time]. For each year, we use a reducer to collect them and output the data in this group/partition(y…
We are going to explain how join works in MR , we will focus on reduce side join and map side join. Reduce Side Join Assuming we have 2 datasets , one is user information(id, name...) , the other is comments made by users(user id, content, date...).…
随着越来越多的公司采用Hadoop,它所处理的问题类型也变得愈发多元化.随着Hadoop适用场景数量的不断膨胀,控制好怎样执行以及何处执行map任务显得至关重要.实现这种控制的方法之一就是自定义InputFormat实现. InputFormat 类是Hadoop Map Reduce框架中的基础类之一.该类主要用来定义两件事情: 数据分割(Data splits) 记录读取器(Record reader) 数据分割 是Hadoop Map Reduce框架中的基础概念之一,它定义了单个Map任…
2013 Top 10 List   A1-Injection Injection flaws, such as SQL, OS, and LDAP injection occur when untrusted data is sent to an interpreter as part of a command or query. The attacker's hostile data can trick the interpreter into executing unintended co…
函数式编程 函数是Python内建支持的一种封装,我们通过把大段代码拆成函数,通过一层一层的函数调用,就可以把复杂任务分解成简单的任务,这种分解可以称之为面向过程的程序设计.函数就是面向过程的程序设计的基本单元. 而函数式编程(请注意多了一个“式”字)——Functional Programming,虽然也可以归结到面向过程的程序设计,但其思想更接近数学计算. 我们首先要搞明白计算机(Computer)和计算(Compute)的概念. 在计算机的层次上,CPU执行的是加减乘除的指令代码,以及各种…
转自:   Risk 2013 Table of Contents 2013 Top 10 List A1-Injection → A1-Injection Injection flaws, such as SQL, OS, and LDAP injection occur when untrusted data is sent to an interpreter as part of a com…
原文: 函数式编程 函数是Python内建支持的一种封装,我们通过把大段代码拆成函数,通过一层一层的函数调用,就可以把复杂任务分解成简单的任务,这种分解可以称之为面向过程的程序设计.函数就是面向过程的程序设计的基本单元. 而函数式编程(请注意多了一个“式”字)——Functional Programming,虽然也可以归结到面向过程的程序设计,但其思想更接近数学计算. 我们首先要搞明白计算机(Comp…
3.1 Introduction Given a set of (key-as-string, value-as-integer) pairs, then finding a Top-N ( where N > 0) list is a "design pattern" (a "design pattern" is a language-independent reusable solution to a common problem, which enabl…
上一节分析了Job由JobClient提交到JobTracker的流程,利用RPC机制,JobTracker接收到Job ID和Job所在HDFS的目录,够早了JobInProgress对象,丢入队列,另一个线程从队列中取出JobInProgress对象,并丢入线程池中执行,执行JobInProgress的initJob方法,我们逐步分析. public void initJob(JobInProgress job) { if (null == job) {"Init on…