just watch the cognitive business presentation of IBM CEO Ginni. here is my thoughts in this field : 1.AI is trend. Think about the electrical revolution,in the future everything is digital,everything can be analysing by computer and algorithm,everyt…
https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-learn-machine-learning-1?redirected_qid=6578644 How Can I Learn X? Learning Machine Learning Learning About Computer Science Educational Resources Advice Artificial Intelligence How-to Question Learning New Things Lea…
The Brain as a Universal Learning Machine This article presents an emerging architectural hypothesis of the brain as a biological implementation of a Universal Learning Machine. I present a rough but complete architectural view of how the brain work…
阅读OReilly.Web.Scraping.with.Python.2015.6笔记---Crawl 1.函数调用它自身,这样就形成了一个循环,一环套一环: from urllib.request import urlopen from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import re pages = set() def getLinks(pageUrl): global pages html = urlopen("http://en.wikipedia.org"…
https://www.ted.com/talks/j_marshall_shepherd_3_kinds_bias_that_shape_your_worldview/transcript 00:12I'm a meteorologist[ˌmi:tiəˈra:lədʒɪst]气象学者 by degree, I have a bachelor's, master's and PhD in physical meteorology[ˌmi:tiəˈra:lədʒi]气象学, so I'm a m…
Source Kelly J., Primer on Cognitive Computing 20150216. 侵删,联系方式:zhoujiagen\@gmail.com. 按A candidate solution for Java Web Application - current session中涉及内容,拼图还缺推荐和认知步骤. 这篇文章就Cognitive Computing的讨论偏向于商业的决策支持,与原计划中领域知识认知步骤(模型)中认知存在一定的区别,虽然没有进展,但有效的排除…
在16年3月30号微软的全球开发者大会Build上发布了Bot Framework,微软认为下一个big thing是Conversation as a Platform,简称CaaP,中文应该叫做"对话即平台".在我们的下个时代,我们将会处在对话即平台的时代,不管是一个屏幕,一个桌子,一个冰箱,甚至是人,都是一个app,都是一个对话的窗口,所有的交互都通过对话来完成.起床,你用自然语言唤起梳妆台的镜子显示今日的天气,还有新闻.家里的小娜(Cortana)提醒你要赶紧出门,路上因为限号…