C# Self Injector into non managed process】的更多相关文章

Hey all, I'm gonna explain you how make a self injecting program in C#.I hope you guys thinks its usefull and have a nice reading  Requirements:Visual Studio 20xx (I use Visual Studio 2010)VInj (A nice library to inject managed dll's, its can be down…
启动日志: Error --> Process (index=1,uid=1739599208,pid=4479) failed to start a managed process after the maximum retry limit Log: /test/erpapp/VIS/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/instances/EBS_web_VIS_OHS1/diagnostics/logs/OHS/EBS_web_VIS/console~OHS~1.log 查看日志con…
http://www.topwcftutorials.net/2012/08/wcf-faqs-part1.html WCF Interview Questions – Part 1 This WCF Tutorial is a collection of most frequently asked interview questions about Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) covering the beginner to professio…
启动应用服务: $ /app/oracle/apps/VIS/fs1/inst/apps/VIS_erptest/admin/scripts/adstrtal.sh apps/apps 报出如下错误: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --------------------------------------------------------------------…
You’re about to be introduced to the WCF service. This lab isn’t your typical “Hello World”—it’s “Hello Indigo”! In this lab,you will learn how to build a new WCF service and in the process learn the minimum requirements of service development and co…
At its core,WCF is a development platform for service-oriented applications. As I mentioned earlier,WCF is part of the .NET Framework 3.0,which comprises a set of new assemblies that rely on the .NET Framework 2.0. System.ServiceModel is the assembly…
引言 第一次用WinDbg来排查问题,花了很多时间踩坑,记录一下希望对后面的同学有些帮助. 客户现场软件出现偶发性的界面卡死现象一直找不出原因,就想着让客户用任务管理器生成了一个dump文件发给我,我再用WinDbg看一下现线程堆栈. 找篇教程,按步骤一步一步来,应该挺简单吧.我想. WinDbg软件版本选择 官方版本不"绿色",最开始从第三方下了一个<WinDbg中文版(32位/64位) 6.12 独立版>v6.12.2.663 结果不管怎么尝试,加载CLR DLL的时候…
背景 在日常写一些小工具或者小项目的时候,有依赖管理和依赖注入的需求,但是Spring(Boot)体系作为DI框架过于重量级,于是需要调研一款微型的DI框架.Guice是Google出品的一款轻量级的依赖注入框架,使用它有助于解决项目中的依赖注入问题,提高了可维护性和灵活性.相对于重量级的Spring(Boot)体系,Guice项目只有一个小于1MB的核心模块,如果核心需求是DI(其实Guice也提供了很低层次的AOP实现),那么Guice应该会是一个合适的候选方案. 在查找Guice相关资料的…
项目地址: GitHub - apache/skywalking-swck: Apache SkyWalking Cloud on Kubernetes 项目简介: A bridge project between Apache SkyWalking and Kubernetes. SWCK is a platform for the SkyWalking user that provisions, upgrades, maintains SkyWalking relevant componen…
Process program program==code+data; 一个进程可以对应多个程序,一个程序也可以变成多个进程.程序可以作为一种软件资源长期保存,以文件的形式存放在硬盘 process: 相应的程序+CPU上下文+一组系统资源 动态性, 独立性, 并发性 一个CPU,任何时刻最多只能有一个进程去使用它 process VS thread 进程的资源分配的基本单位,是分配资源的抽象:进程把一组相关资源组合起来,构成了一个资源平台,或者说资源环境,包括运行上下文,内存地址空间,打开的文…