安装完成centos7后出现如下提示: Initial setup of CentOS Linux 7 (core) 1) [x] Creat user 2) [!] License information (no user will be created) (license not accepted) Please make your choice from above ['q' to quit | 'c' to continue | 'r' to refresh]: 解决方案: 输入[1],…
安装完成centos7-GUI后出现如下提示: nitial setup of CentOS Linux (core) ) [x] Creat user ) [!] License information (no user will be created) (license not accepted) Please make your choice from above [‘q‘ to quit | ‘c‘ to continue | ‘r‘ to refresh]: 解决方案: 输入[1],按…
PS:出现以上信息,是要求你阅读或者接收协议: Initial setup of CentOS Linux 7 (core)解决步骤如下: 1,输入[1],按Enter键阅读许可协议,2,输入[2],按Enter键接受许可协议,3,输入[q],按Enter键退出,4,输入[yes],按Enter键确定,5,重启之后即可进入图形登录界面…
VMware下CentOS7安装后,还原虚拟网络后,敲ifconfig不显示局域网ip,没有出现eth0网卡,不能上网,SSH不能连接,输入ifconfig后如下图: 解决方法: 1.编辑网卡的配置文件 vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33 将里面的NAME和DEVICE项修改为eth0(有的会出现文本里面没有IPADDR,NETMASK,GATEWAY,DNS的情况,自己补上) [root@localhost ~]# vi /etc/sys…