委托调用方法的4种方式. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace ConsoleApplication1 { delegate void DelFunc(string a); //delegate void FUNC<int ,int,string>( ); class Program { public static void Fun1(string str) { List<int> list = new…
SQL> select t1.* from t1,t2 where t1.object_id=t2.object_id; rows selected. Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- | Id | Oper…
with a as( select nsr.zgswj_dm, count(distinct nsr.djxh) cnt, 1 z from hx_fp.fp_ly fp, hx_dj.dj_nsrxx nsr where nsr.djxh = fp.djxh and nsr.nsrzt_dm = '03' and fp.lrrq >= date '2018-03-01' and fp.lrrq <= date '2018-04-01' AND nsr.ZGSWSKFJ_DM LIKE '13…