LeetCode 881.救生艇(C++)】的更多相关文章

第 i 个人的体重为 people[i],每艘船可以承载的最大重量为 limit. 每艘船最多可同时载两人,但条件是这些人的重量之和最多为 limit. 返回载到每一个人所需的最小船数.(保证每个人都能被船载). 示例 1: 输入:people = [1,2], limit = 3 输出:1 解释:1 艘船载 (1, 2) 示例 2: 输入:people = [3,2,2,1], limit = 3 输出:3 解释:3 艘船分别载 (1, 2), (2) 和 (3) 示例 3: 输入:peopl…
LeetCode:救生艇[881] 题目描述 第 i 个人的体重为 people[i],每艘船可以承载的最大重量为 limit. 每艘船最多可同时载两人,但条件是这些人的重量之和最多为 limit. 返回载到每一个人所需的最小船数.(保证每个人都能被船载). 示例 1: 输入:people = [1,2], limit = 3 输出:1 解释:1 艘船载 (1, 2) 示例 2: 输入:people = [3,2,2,1], limit = 3 输出:3 解释:3 艘船分别载 (1, 2), (…
The i-th person has weight people[i], and each boat can carry a maximum weight of limit. Each boat carries at most 2 people at the same time, provided the sum of the weight of those people is at most limit. Return the minimum number of boats to carry…
原题链接在这里:https://leetcode.com/problems/boats-to-save-people/ 题目: The i-th person has weight people[i], and each boat can carry a maximum weight of limit. Each boat carries at most 2 people at the same time, provided the sum of the weight of those peop…
[题目] The i-th person has weight people[i], and each boat can carry a maximum weight of limit. Each boat carries at most 2 people at the same time, provided the sum of the weight of those people is at most limit. Return the minimum number of boats to…
第 i 个人的体重为 people[i],每艘船可以承载的最大重量为 limit. 每艘船最多可同时载两人,但条件是这些人的重量之和最多为 limit. 返回载到每一个人所需的最小船数.(保证每个人都能被船载). 示例 1: 输入:people = [1,2], limit = 3 输出:1 解释:1 艘船载 (1, 2) 思路: 贪心,先将people按体重递增排序,设置左右两个指针,如果体重最轻的人加上体重最重的重量和小于limit,左指针加一,ans++,右指针减一: 如果大于了limit…
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[LeetCode]881. Boats to Save People 解题报告(Python) 作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/boats-to-save-people/description/ 题目描述: The i-th person has weight people[i], and each boat can carry a maximu…