automatically select architectures】的更多相关文章

各位在用XCode 5.x 打开用XCode 4.x 创建的项目时候.会遇到编译器警告automatically select architectures. 1. This is because the XCode 5 improves the compile time to active a new feature called Build Active Architecture Only. 2. so. The XCode only compile the active architectu…
当把CocoaPods生成的workspace移动到上层目录时,需要改下Pods.xcconfig和工程里的一些设置,就通常没什么难度. 当遇到这个问题时: Could not automatically select an Xcode project. Specify one in your Podfile like so: xcodeproj 'path/to/Project.xcodeproj' 在Podfile文件里指定下工程目录就行了,比如我在Podfile文件添加这行就行了: ...…
需要将Podfile文件放置在根目录下,而不能放置在项目的里面. 更改路径即可…
一.CocoaPods的介绍 什么是CocoaPods CocoaPods是OS X和iOS下的一个第三类库管理工具,通过CocoaPods工具我们可以为项目添加被称为“Pods”的依赖库(这些类库必须是CocoaPods本身所支持的),并且可以轻松管理其版本. Cocoapods意义体现在两个方面.第一,在引入第三方库时它可以自动为我们完成各种各样的配置,包括配置编译阶段.连接器选项.甚至是ARC环境下的-fno-objc-arc配置等.第二,使用CocoaPods可以很方便地查找新的第三方库…
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia An overlay network is a computer network that is built on top of another network. Nodes in the overlay network can be thought of as being connected by virtual or logical links, each of which corresponds to a path… XCode 5.1升级后因arm64和CocoaPods的原因,痛了一天,终于解决了问题,同时也记录下这次的学习成果. ARMv6/7/7s & ARM64 在了解Architecture之前,先来认识这几个名字.armv6, armv7, armv7s, arm64是ARM CPU的不同指令集,就像CPU内潜入的软件版本.其在iPhone处理器型号为A4, A8… arm 芯片…
Beej's Guide to Network Programming Using Internet Sockets Brian "Beej Jorgensen" Version 3.0.15July 3, 2012 Copyright © 2012 Brian "Beej Jorgensen" Hall Contents 1. Intro 1.1. Audience 1.2. Platform and Compiler 1.3. …
1. Introduction 1.1. About 1.2. Sphinx features 1.3. Where to get Sphinx 1.4. License 1.5. Credits 1.6. History 2. Installation 2.1. Supported systems 2.2. Compiling Sphinx from source 2.2.1. Required tools 2.2.2. Compiling on Linux 2.2.3. Known comp…
转自: C library for filtering touchscreen events tslib consists of the library libts and tools that help you calibrate and use it in your environment. contact If you have problems, questions, ideas or suggestions, please…
转自: Video for Linux Two API Specification Revision 0.24 Michael H Schimek <> Bill Dirks Hans Verkuil Martin Rubli Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 20…