Ethical Hacking Tutorials】的更多相关文章

Ethical Hacking Tutorials Free Ethical Hacking Tutorials Types of Hackers Ethical Hacker (White hat) Cracker (Black hat) Grey hat Script kiddies Hacktivist Phreaker…
What is Hacking? Gaining unauthorized access. Hackers? 1.Black-hat Hackers 2.White-hat Hackers 3.Grey-hat Hackers WHAT IS A PROGRAM? A set of instructions to do a certain task or solve a problem.…
Hacking is gaining unauthorized access to anything. Preparation Setting up a lab and installing needed applications and operating systesm. Basics about computers and linux systems. Network Pentesting Test the security of networks and computers cnnect…
Cross-platform hacking All programs we wrote are pure python programs They do not rely on OS-specific resources. Result: They work on any OS with a python interpreter. If packaged, they will work on any OS if even if python is NOT installed.…
OWASP ZAP(ZED ATTACK PROXY) Automatically find vulnerabilities in web applications. Free and easy to use. It can also be used for manual testing. This is the welcome page. Options Page Scan Policy Setting Page. Attack this target URL…
XSS VULNS XSS - CROSS SITE SCRIPTING VULNS Allow an attacker to inject javascript code into the page. The code is executed when the page loads. The code is executed on the client machine, not the server. Three main types: 1. Persistent/Stored XSS 2.…
SQL INJECTION Preventing SQLi Filters can be bypassed. Use a blacklist of commands? Still can be bypassed. Use whitelist? Same issue. -> Use parameterized statements, separate data from SQL code. <?php //$textbox1 = admin' union select # Select * fr…
SQL INJECTION SQLMAP Tool designed to exploit SQL injections. Works with many DB types, MySQL, MSSQL ...etc. >sqlmap --help >sqlmap -u [target URL] Following are examples: sqlmap -u "…
SQL INJECTION Discovering SQLi in GET Inject by browser URL. Selecting Data From Database Change the number to a big one, then you can get a useful error message. And you can try different number to find the right column. Using “union select 1,2,3,4,…
SQL INJECTION WHAT IS SQL? Most websites use a database to store data. Most data stored in it(usernames, passwords ..etc.) Web application reads, updates and inserts data in the database. Interaction with DB done using SQL. WHY ARE THEY SO DANGEROUS…