自定义经纬度索引(非RTree.Morton Code[z order curve].Geohash的方式) Custom Indexing for Latitude-Longitude Data 网络上有一些经纬度索引的文章,讨论的方法是用Geohash.RTree.Z-Order Curve(morton Code)等算法来将经纬度由二维变为一维的索引. 这篇文章介绍一种使用二维数据索引的方式来创建经纬度索引.前半部分讨论一种自定义的.使用二维数组的方式将经纬度变为一维数据,来加快索引. 文…
Get and set the Z Order of controls at runtime in Delphi VCL. If you are looking for a FireMonkey solution see this post Delphi provides a limited API for the Z order of controls.You can bring a control to the front or send it to the back … that is a…
Get and set the Z Order of controls at runtime in Delphi FireMonkey. This is a follow on to my earlier post where I provided a VCL solution.Now Ive created a free FireMonkey unit that has the same get and set routines as the VCL solution. The full s…
The Z order of a window indicates the window's position in a stack of overlapping windows. This window stack is oriented along an imaginary axis, the z-axis, extending outward from the screen. The window at the top of the Z order overlaps all other w…
在层次查询中,如果想让"亲兄弟"按规矩进行升序排序就需要使用ORDER SIBLINGS BY 这个特定的排序语句,若要降序输出可以在其后添加DESC关键字. 通过这个实验给大家展示一下这个"亲兄弟"间的排序功能. 1.回望关系"树",这棵树中的B和C是亲兄弟,F和G是亲兄弟.注意,D和E不是亲兄弟,最多也就算是堂兄弟,"亲兄弟排序"功能对他们无效. A / \ B C / / D E / \ F G 2.上图对应的表数据 t…
Microsoft Win32 to Microsoft .NET Framework API Map .NET Development (General) Technical Articles Microsoft .NET Framework and Microsoft Visual Studio User Education TeamsMicrosoft Corporation January 2004 Applies to: Microsoft® .NET Framework…
@http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/people/karpathy/cvpr2015papers/ CVPR 2015 papers (in nicer format than this) maintained by @karpathy NEW: This year I also embedded the (1,2-gram) tfidf vectors of all papers with t-sne and placed them in an interf…