How Indexes Are Stored】的更多相关文章

reference: 当创建索引的时候,Oracle 会自动在表空间中分配一个索引段来存储索引数据.你可以控制索引段的空间分配并且通过以下两种方式对这部分保留空间进行使用: 通过为索引段设置存储参数来控制索引段空间的分配范围. 通过为索引段设置 PCTFREE 参数来控制组成索引段范围中的空闲空间. The section includes the…
When data is stored on disk based storage devices, it is stored as blocks of data. These blocks are accessed in their entirety, making them the atomic disk access operation. Disk blocks are structured in much the same way as linked lists; both contai…
1. Because of a power outage,instance failure has occurred. From what point in the redo log does recovery begin and where does it end?A. Current redo log and inactive redo logB. Checkpoint position to end of redo logC. Beginning of redo log to end of…
13.1.17 CREATE TABLE Syntax CREATE TABLE ... LIKE Syntax CREATE TABLE ... SELECT Syntax Using FOREIGN KEY Constraints Silent Column Specification Changes CREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tbl_name (creat…
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Appendices Published: April 27, 2005 On This Page Appendix A: SQL Server for Oracle Professionals Appendix B: Getting the Best Out of SQL Server 2000 and Windows Appendix C: Baselining Appendix D: Installing Common Drivers and Applications Installing…
Note that the knowledge for each level is cumulative; being atlevel n implies that you also know everything from thelevels lower than n. Computer Science   2n (Level 0) n2 (Level 1) n (Level 2) log(n) (Level 3) Comments data structures Doesn’t know t…
MySQL表碎片化(Table Fragmentation)的原因 关于MySQL中表碎片化(Table Fragmentation)产生的原因,简单总结一下,MySQL Engine不同,碎片化的原因可能也有所差别.这里没有深入理解.分析这些差别.此文仅以InnoDB引擎为主.总结如有不足或错误的地方,敬请指出. InnoDB表的数据存储在页(page)中,每个页可以存放多条记录.这些记录以树形结构组织,这颗树称为B+树索引.表中数据和辅助索引都是使用B+树结构.维护表中所有数据的这颗B+树索…
14.5 InnoDB Tablespace Management   14.5.1 Resizing the InnoDB System Tablespace 14.5.2 Changing the Number or Size of InnoDB Redo Log Files 14.5.3 Using Raw Disk Partitions for the System Tablespace 14.5.4 InnoDB File-Per-Table Tablespaces 14.5.5 Cr…
14.1 Introduction to InnoDB 14.1.1 InnoDB as the Default MySQL Storage Engine 14.1.2 Checking InnoDB Availability 14.1.3 Turning Off InnoDB InnoDB is a general-purpose storage engine that balances high reliability and high performance. In MySQL 5.6,…