
下面四种记号是为了建立函数间的相对级别. CLRS上的一张图很直观: 大O记号 定义:如果存在正常数\(c\)和\(n_0\),使得当\(N\ge n_o\)时\(T(N)\le cf(N)\),记\(T(N)=O(f(N))\). 举个栗子: 当\(N < 1000\)时,\(1000N\gt N^2\),但\(N^2\)增长率更大,所以最终\(N^2\)会更大,即\(O(N^2)=1000N\). 也就是说,总会存在某个点\(n_0\),从这个点以后\(cf(N)\)至少和\(T(N)\)一…
× 目录 [1]注释节点 [2]文档类型 前面的话 把注释节点和文档类型节点放在一起是因为IE8-浏览器的一个bug.IE8-浏览器将标签名为"!"的元素视作注释节点,所以文档声明也被视作注释节点.本文将详细介绍这两部分的内容 注释节点 [特征] 注释在DOM中是通过Comment类型来表示,注释节点的三个node属性——nodeType.nodeName.nodeValue分别是8.'#comment'和注释的内容,其父节点parentNode可能是Document或Element,…
Excel 转LaTex表格 与TeX表格的处理 总结   工具使用:一个Latex表格输入神器--Excel2Tex插件的安装过程. 首先下载插件: CTAN的下载界面如下: 然后打开excel程序,"文件"--"选项"--"加载项"--"转到"--"浏览",找到刚才下载的插件文件选择安装即可 具体使用…
(MTT)连续能量函数最小化方法 Multitarget tracking Multi-object tracking 连续能量函数 读"A.Milan,S. Roth, K. Schindler, 'continuous Energy Minimization for Multitarget Tracking[J]',TPAMI,2014."笔记 当前追踪的主要策略是tracking-by-dection,即首先使用背景减除法或者分类器检测出前景运动目标,然后再对目标轨迹进行估计.…
Abstract We describe and analyze a simple and effective iterative algorithm for solving the optimization problem cast by Support Vector Machines (SVM). Our method alternates between stochastic gradient descent steps and projection steps. We prove tha…
文章来源:   Learn Vim Progressively   TL;DR: You want to teach yourself vim (the best text editor known to human kind) in the fastest way possible. This is my way of doing it. You start by l…
Part one: Learn the Basics Hello, World! print "Hello,World!" Variables and Types Python is completely object oriented, and not "statically typed. You don't need to delcare variables before using them, or delcare their type. Every variable…
softmax是logisitic regression在多酚类问题上的推广,\(W=[w_1,w_2,...,w_c]\)为各个类的权重因子,\(b\)为各类的门槛值.不要想象成超平面,否则很难理解,如果理解成每个类的打分函数,则会直观许多.预测时我们把样本分配到得分最高的类. Notations: \(x\):输入向量,\(d\times 1\)列向量,\(d\)是feature数 \(W\):权重矩阵,\(c\times d\)矩阵,\(c\)是label数 \(b\):每个类对应超平面的…
1. Introduction Groovy supports multiple ways to generate text dynamically including GStrings, printf and MarkupBuilder just to name a few. In addition to these, there is a dedicated template framework which is well-suited to applications where the t…
1. Parsing XML 1.1. XmlParser and XmlSlurper The most commonly used approach for parsing XML with Groovy is to use one of: groovy.util.XmlParser groovy.util.XmlSlurper Both have the same approach to parse an xml. Both come with a bunch of overloaded…