机器学习实战(Machine Learning in Action)学习笔记————02.k-邻近算法(KNN) 关键字:邻近算法(kNN: k Nearest Neighbors).python.源码解析.测试作者:米仓山下时间:2018-10-21机器学习实战(Machine Learning in Action,@author: Peter Harrington)源码下载地址:https://www.manning.com/books/machine-learning-in-actiong…
INDEX How do we know if we have a good line Linear Regression Training and Loss How do we know if we have a good line So as we said before, our model is something that we learned from data.And there are lots of complicated model types and lots of int…
在Github上也po了这个系列学习笔记(MachineLearningCourseNote),觉得写的不错的小伙伴欢迎来给项目点个赞哦~~ ML Lecture 0-2: Why we need to learn machine learning? Why we need to learn ML Many people think: Wow!!! AI is so powerful right now! You see AlphaGO? AI is going to replace human…
##Advice for Applying Machine Learning Applying machine learning in practice is not always straightforward. In this module, we share best practices for applying machine learning in practice, and discuss the best ways to evaluate performance of the le…
##机器学习(Machine Learning)&深度学习(Deep Learning)资料(Chapter 2)---#####注:机器学习资料[篇目一](https://github.com/ty4z2008/Qix/blob/master/dl.md)共500条,[篇目二](https://github.com/ty4z2008/Qix/blob/master/dl2.md)开始更新------#####希望转载的朋友**一定要保留原文链接**,因为这个项目还在继续也在不定期更新.希望看到…
在过去的几个月中,我一直在收集自然语言处理(NLP)以及如何将NLP和深度学习(Deep Learning)应用到聊天机器人(Chatbots)方面的最好的资料. 时不时地我会发现一个出色的资源,因此我很快就开始把这些资源编制成列表. 不久,我就发现自己开始与bot开发人员和bot社区的其他人共享这份清单以及一些非常有用的文章了. 在这个过程中,我的名单变成了一个指南,经过一些好友的敦促和鼓励,我决定和大家分享这个指南,或许是一个精简的版本 - 由于长度的原因. 这个指南主要基于Denny Br…
机器学习 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%9C%BA%E5%99%A8%E5%AD%A6%E4%B9%A0 机器学习是人工智能的一个分支.人工智能的研究历史有着一条从以“推理”为重点,到以“知识”为重点,再到以“学习”为重点的自然.清晰的脉络.显然,机器学习是实现人工智能的一个途径,即以机器学习为手段解决人工智能中的问题.机器学习在近30多年已发展为一门多领域交叉学科,涉及概率论.统计学.逼近论.凸分析.计算复杂性理论等多门学科.…
the main steps: 1. look at the big picture 2. get the data 3. discover and visualize the data to gain insights 4. prepare the data for machine learning algorithms 5. select a model and train it 6. fine-tune your model 7. present your solution 8. laun…
https://blog.csdn.net/luyao_cxy/article/details/82383091 转载:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_27297393/article/details/82284384 机器学习 一.人工智能.机器学习与深度学习 人工智能        机器学习               经典机器学习               基于神经网络的机器学习                      浅层学习                    …
About this Course You will learn how to build a successful machine learning project. If you aspire to be a technical leader in AI, and know how to set direction for your team's work, this course will show you how. Much of this content has never been…