Action Plan 1. Execute srdc_db_undo_ora-30013.sql as sysdba and provide the spool output --srdc_db_undo_ora-30013.sql REM srdc_db_undo_ora-30013.sql REM collect Undo parameters and segment details for troubleshooting ORA-30013 issues. define SRDCNAME…
SRDC - ORA-30036: Checklist of Evidence to Supply (Doc ID 1682700.1) Action Plan 1. Execute srdc_db_undo_ora-30036.sqland collect the spool output. --srdc_db_undo_ora-30036.sql REM srdc_db_undo_ora-30036.sql REM collect Undo parameters and segment de…
SRDC - ORA-1628: Checklist of Evidence to Supply (Doc ID 1682729.1) Action Plan 1. Execute srdc_db_undo_ora-1628.sql as sysdba and collect the spool output. --srdc_db_undo_ora-1628.sql REM srdc_db_undo_ora-1628.sql REM collect Undo parameters,segment…
SRDC - ORA-1562: Checklist of Evidence to Supply (Doc ID 1682728.1) Action Plan 1.  Execute srdc_db_undo_ora-1562.sqlas sysdba and provide the spool output. 以sysdba 的身份执行 --srdc_db_undo_ora-1562.sql REM srdc_db_undo_ora-1562.sql REM collect Undo para…
SRDC - ORA-1548: Checklist of Evidence to Supply (Doc ID 1682693.1) Action Plan 1. Execute srdc_db_undo_1548.sqland provide the spool output  --srdc_db_undo_1548.sql REM srdc_db_undo_1548.sql REM collect Undo Segments details. define SRDCNAME='DB_Und…
SRDC - ORA-22924 or ORA-1555 on LOB data: Checklist of Evidence to Supply (Doc ID 1682707.1) Action Plan 1. Check for LOB Corruption usingsrdc_corrupt_LOB.sql script. Collect the spool output.  脚本检查LOB损坏 --srdc_corrupt_LOB.sql REM srdc_corrupt_LOB.sq…
SRDC - ORA-1555 during Export: Checklist of Evidence to Supply (Doc ID 1682706.1) Action Plan 1. Execute srdc_db_undo_1555-1.sql as sysdba and collect the spool output.  以sysdba身份执行 --srdc_db_undo_1555-1.sql REM srdc_db_undo_1555-1.sql REM collect co…
SRDC - ORA-1555: Query Duration 0: Checklist of Evidence to Supply (Doc ID 1682704.1) Action Plan 1. Execute srdc_db_undo_1555-1.sql as sysdba and provide the spool output DB_Undo_1555-1.html  以sysdba的身份执行 --srdc_db_undo_1555-1.sql REM srdc_db_undo_1…
SRDC - ORA-1552: Checklist of Evidence to Supply (Doc ID 1681333.1) Action Plan 1. Execute srdc_db_undo_config.sql as sysdba and provide the spool output  以sysdba身份执行脚本 --srdc_db_undo_config.sql REM srdc_db_undo_config.sql REM collect Undo parameters…
Checklist for an RMAN Restore (Doc ID 1554636.1) APPLIES TO: Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and laterOracle Database Cloud Schema Service - Version N/A and laterOracle Database Exadata Cloud Machine - Version N/A and laterOra…
一个测试环境的12.2.0.1数据库后台alert不断报出以下错误信息: Errors in file /d12/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/test/test/trace/test_j001_4981.trc: ORA-12012: error on auto execute of job "SYS"."ORA$AT_OS_OPT_SY_21" ORA-20001: Statistics Advisor: Invalid task name for…
In this Document   Purpose   Troubleshooting Steps   References APPLIES TO: Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later Information in this document applies to any platform. PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to provide some…
How to Format Corrupted Block Not Part of Any Segment (Doc ID 336133.1) To BottomTo Bottom In this Document Symptoms Changes Cause Solution References APPLIES TO: Oracle Database Cloud Schema Service - Version N/A and later Oracle Database Exadata Cl…
1.引子 2014年9月13日 20:33 <oracle Applications DBA 基础>介绍Oracle Applications R12的系统架构, 数据库后台及应用系统的基础知识.目标是向一个具有一般UNIX,JAVA, ORACLE知识的OracleDBA 介绍Oracle Applications R12的基础知识,让他/她能够从此 通过独立的研究(Research)去解决新问题,成为一个优秀的OracleEBS DBA. <oracleApplications DB…
Oracle EBS R12 (12.1.3) Installation Linux(64 bit) Contents Objective. 3 1 Download & Unzip. 3 Download. 3 Unzip. 3 MD5 Checksums. 4 2 Pre-Install Task. 5 Disk Space. 5 Specific Software Requirements. 5 RPM... 6 JDK. 8 OS User & Group. 11 3 Instal…
Goal   Solution   References APPLIES TO: Oracle Supplier Lifecycle Management - Version 12.1.2 and laterOracle Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector - Version 12.1.3 and laterOracle Sourcing - Version 11.5.10 and laterOracle Purchasing - Ve…
参照MOS 官方文档Complete Checklist for Manual Upgrade to Oracle Database 11gR2 (11.2) (Doc ID 837570.1)一.升级前的准备1.复制utlu112i.sql脚本从11G数据库复制$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlu112i.sql 脚本至10g 数据库临时目录,准备执行如果不在10g数据库运行utlu112i.sql脚本,则执行升级脚本catupgrd.sql 时会报以下错误:SQL> S…
今天遇到了一个客户,问题是这样的,客户构筑了一个RACtoRAC的 LOGICAL STANDBY环境.并用EM在监视同期情况,发现EM页面上55115和55116这两个SEQUENCE一直在应用. 首先向客户要了下列的资料 Primary端Script to Collect Data Guard Primary Site Diagnostic Information for Version 10g and Above (Including RAC). (Doc ID 1577401.1) St…
转自:   定位的办法: --查询row cache lock等待 select event,p1  from v$session where  event= 'row cache lock' and status='ACTIVE';   --查询rowcache 名称 select * from v$rowcache where cache# =p1; 名称 P1 P2 P3 原因 处理 row …
Troubleshooting Guide (TSG) - ORA-01552: Cannot Use System Rollback Segment for Non-System Tablespace (Doc ID 1579215.1) APPLIES TO: Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and laterOracle Database Cloud Schema Service - Version N/A an…
按照计划开始了生产库的升级,环境基于linux 64位. uname: Linux 2.6.18-308.el5 #1 SMP Fri Jan 27 17:17:51 EST 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux 数据库是10. 要升级到11. 已经提前打了最新的PSU Interim patches () : Patch : applied :: ICT Patch description: " ()" Created M…
DB Name: GRPSource DB:  Target DB: 11g数据库使用DBUA升级Exadata数据库至12c前提条件: 0.需要11g源数据库full + archivelog backup 备份 本例中备份集放在以下目录.[oracle@dm08db01 backup]$ pwd/home/oracle/lyon/backup 备份脚本:backup_grp.txtrun {allocate channel c1 type disk;all…
转载原文地址为: 使用数据泵迁移数据库流程 How To Move Or Copy A Database Using DataPump (文档 ID 855268.1) In this Document Oracle Database Cloud Schema Service - Version N/A and later APPLIES TO: Oracle Database Exadata Ex…
概述 在RAC环境下配置OGG,要想实现RAC节点故障时,OGG能自动的failover到正常节点,要保证两点: 1. OGG的checkpoint,trail,BR文件放置在共享的集群文件系统上,RAC各节点都能访问到 2. 需要有集群软件的来监测OGG进程,以及发生故障时,自动在正常节点重启OGG(failover) Oracle Grid Infrastructure Standalone Agents (XAG)搭配Oracle支持的集群文件系统,可以实现OGG的自动failover,本…
最近小组准备启动一个 node 开源项目,从前端亲和力.大数据下的IO性能.可扩展性几点入手挑选了 NoSql 数据库,但具体使用哪一款产品还需要做一次选型. 我们最终把选项范围缩窄在 HBase.Redis.MongoDB.Couchbase.LevelDB 五款较主流的数据库产品中,本文将主要对它们进行分析对比. 鉴于缺乏项目中的实战经验沉淀,本文内容和观点主要还是从各平台资料搜罗汇总,也不会有太多深入或底层原理探讨. 本文所引用的资料来源将示于本文尾部.所汇总的内容仅供参考,若有异议望指正…
环境:Win Server 2008 R2 + Oracle 故障:客户反映数据库连接不上,本机sysdba和网络连接都连接不上. 一.确认故障 1.1 服务器尝试sysdba登录 1.2 服务器尝试通过网络连接 二.排查原因 2.1 ORA-12560错误初步排查原因 2.2 ORA-12518错误排查原因 2.3 ORA-12560错误再次排查原因 一.确认故障 1.1 服务器尝试sysdba登录 PS C:\Users\Administrator> sqlplus / a…
首先在alert log裡面頻繁的看見如下錯誤: DBMS_STATS: GATHER_STATS_JOB encountered errors.  Check the trace file. Errors in file /oracle/diag/rdbms/phalr/phalr/trace/phalr_j001_5306.trc: ORA-20011: Approximate NDV failed: ORA-29913: error in executing ODCIEXTTABLEOPE… Question: When trying to establish a sqlplus connection to the database, I get the “ORA-12537: TNS:connection closed” error message. How do I resolve this? SQL> conn vst_server/xxx@node1 ER…
1 Canvas教程 <canvas>是一个新的用于通过脚本(通常是JavaScript)绘图的HTML元素.例如,他可以用于绘图.制作图片的组合或者简单的动画(当然并不那么简单).It can for instance be used to draw graphs, make photo compositions or do simple (and not so simple) animations. 1.1 基本用法 Basic usage <canvas>元素 Let's s…
环境:RHEL 6.4 + Oracle + ASM单实例 1.重启主机后,+DATA diskgroup启动不成功,现象如下: [grid@JY-DB ~]$ crsctl stat res -t -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME TARGET STATE SERVER STATE_DETAILS ---------------------…