COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE DESIGNING FOR PERFORMANCE NINTH EDITION Vacuum Tubes   Transistors Integrated Circuits真空管 晶体管  集成电路 Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer电子数字积分器和计算器…
哈希表(Hash table,也叫散列表),是根据关键码值(Key value)而直接进行访问的数据结构.也就是说,它通过把关键码值映射到表中一个位置来访问记录,以加快查找的速度.具体的介绍网上有很详细的描述,如闲聊哈希表 ,这里就不再累述了: 哈希表在像Java.C#等语言中是与生俱来的.可是在C的世界中,似乎只有自己动手,丰衣足食:在网上google了一把,大致有几个版本,我会一一来分析对比: 首先先来交代一下哈希表实现中需要注意的一些概念: (主要参考:这里) 1.哈希函数 也叫散列函数,…
Please read this blog post to see why this is here. This data was created on 02/13/2012 20:00:00 All content found below was taken from Stack Overflow in accordance with the Creative Commons license governing the site. As such, you are free to use th…
关于哈希表C实现,写了两篇学习笔记,不过似乎网上流传最具传奇色彩的莫过于暴雪公司的魔兽文件打包管理器里的hashTable的实现了:在冲突方面的处理方面,采用线性探测再散列.在添加和查找过程中进行了三次哈希,第一个哈希值用来查找,后两个哈希值用来校验,这样可以大大减少冲突的几率. 在网上找了相关代码,但不知道其来源是否地道: StringHash.h 1 #include <StdAfx.h> 2 #include <string> 3 4 using namespace std;…
Deep Learning in a Nutshell: History and Training This series of blog posts aims to provide an intuitive and gentle introduction to deep learning that does not rely heavily on math or theoretical constructs. The first part in this series provided an…
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order-independent_transparency Order-independent transparency From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia     The importance of blending order. The top produces an incorrect result with unordered alpha blending, while the botto…
History of Monte Carlo Methods - Part 1 Some time ago in June 2013 I gave a lab tutorial on Monte Carlo methods at Microsoft Research. These tutorials are seminar-talk length (45 minutes) but are supposed to be light, accessible to a general computer…
CHAPTER 24 History of Our Planet 第24章 我们行星的历史 Uncovering the bones of ancient beasts is only part of the story. Walking in the country, you must have noticed that a valley often has a river or stream running down the middle of it. Hills and mountains…
Week2. History: The First Internet - NSFNet coursera address Supercomputers Justify a National Network Keywords: leased line, Supercomputer center, Store and forward networks, ARPANET, BITNET, packet switching, router, NSF, Larry Smarr History Throug…
前言 本文为观看Cousera的Michigan<Internet History, Technology and Security>教程的个人学习笔记,包括了每个week的概要和个人感想,供个人温故.week 1为中文,之后就用英文写了,不为其他,只是觉得看英文视频用英文总结,这样更自然些. week1 二战时期出现了许多伟大的发明,改变了和平时代我们的生活方式. 战争时期的交流需要,出现了无线电等. 战争中由于信息加密和解密的需求,出现了机器,而加密与解密是机器发展的核心. 无数的人投身于…