[CF509F]Progress Monitoring】的更多相关文章

题目大意: 给定一个树的DFS序$b_1,b_2,\ldots,b_n$($b$为$1\sim n$的一个排列且$b_1=1$).同一个结点的子结点按照结点编号从小到大遍历.问有多少种可能的树的形态? 思路: 树形DP. 用$f[l][r]$标示DFS序$b_{l\sim r}$对应多少种树的形态.显然当$l=r$时,$f[l][r]=1$.转移方程为$f[l][r]=\sum_{l<m\le r且b_{m+1}<b_{l+1}}f[l+1][m]\times f[m][r]$.其中$f[l+…
http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/509/F 题目大意:给出一个遍历树的程序的输出的遍历顺序b序列,问可能的树的形态有多少种. 思路:记忆化搜索 其中我们枚举第一个子树的大小,然后后面的其他子树可以继续分解. #include<cstdio> #include<cmath> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<iostream> #defin…
题目链接:http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/509/F 题意: 告诉你遍历一棵树的方法,以及遍历节点的顺序a[i],长度为n. 问你这棵树有多少种可能的形态. 遍历方法: used[1 ... n] = {0, ..., 0}; procedure dfs(v): print v; used[v] = 1; for i = 1, 2, ..., n: if (a[v][i] == 1 and used[i] == 0): dfs(i); dfs(1…
Eric Bidelman, Google Apps APIs team February 2010 Introduction The Resumable Protocol Initiating a resumable upload request Uploading a file Resuming an upload Updating an existing resource Client library examples Warning: This document applies to G…
HttpClient类是进行TCP连接的实现类, package sun.net.www.http; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; import sun.net.NetworkClient; import sun.net.ProgressSource; import sun.net.ProgressMonitor; import sun.net.www.MessageHeader; import sun.net.…
您可以使用 db2pd 或 LIST UTILITIES 命令来监视数据库前滚操作的进度. 过程 发出 LIST UTILITIES 命令并指定 SHOW DETAIL 参数 db2 LIST UTILITIES SHOW DETAIL 发出 db2pd 命令并指定 -recovery 参数: db2pd -d 数据库名 -reco 结果 对于前滚恢复,进度监视分为两个阶段:FORWARD 和 BACKWARD.FORWARD 阶段期间中,读取日志文件并将日志记录应用于数据库.对于前滚恢复,当此…
原文:https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/analytics/library/ba-lo-backup-restore-performance-issue-judge-optimize/index.html Db2 备份/恢复线程模型 Db2 备份线程模型 首先看一下 Db2 backup 操作的线程模型,如图 1 所示(图片来源见参考资料): 图 1. Backup 线程模型 它主要包括 db2bm, db2med, db2agent 三类 EDU,以及…
1 公司新用ERP系统,做使用培训,mark... This course reviews the project management flow in the Epicor application. Topics include phase entries, projectanalysis to analyze costs, and project progress monitoring.Project management allows you to organize and plan th…
#!/bin/ksh # # Copyright (c) 1998, 2002, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved. #   version() {   if [ -f $ORA_TMP/ora_version_${ORACLE_SID} ]; then     VER=`cat $ORA_TMP/ora_version_${ORACLE_SID}`     set $VER     VERSION=$1     VERSION_SHORT=$2…
ora-279 是可以忽略的报错 In general, a restore should take approximately the same time as a backup, if not longer. Therefore, if your backup took 10 hours to complete, it will take at least 10 hours to restore to the same host. Another good indicator is to d…