The Child and Zoo 题解】的更多相关文章

题目描述 Of course our child likes walking in a zoo. The zoo has n areas, that are numbered from 1 to n. The i-th area contains ai animals in it. Also there are m roads in the zoo, and each road connects two distinct areas. Naturally the zoo is connected…
B. The Child and Zoo Time Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description Of course our child likes walking in a zoo. The zoo has n areas, that are numbered from 1 to n. The i-th area contains ai animal…
D. The Child and Zoo time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Of course our child likes walking in a zoo. The zoo has n areas, that are numbered from 1 to n. The i-th area contains …
题目链接:D. The Child and Zoo 题意: 题意比较难懂,是指给出n个点并给出这些点的权值,再给出m条边.每条边的权值为该条路连接的两个区中权值较小的一个.如果两个区没有直接连接,那么f值即为从一个区走到另一个区中所经过的路中权值最小的值做为权值.如果有多条路的话,要取最大的值作为路径的长度.问,平均两个区之间移动的权值为多少. 题解: 每条边的长度已经知道了,因为路径的权值取这条路中最小的且多条路的话则取较大的,那么我们其实可以从比较大的边开始取(先把边排序),用并查集开始合并…
题目: D. The Child and Zoo time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Of course our child likes walking in a zoo. The zoo has n areas, that are numbered from 1 to n. The i-th area conta…
题目链接:Codeforces 437D The Child and Zoo 题目大意:小孩子去參观动物园,动物园分非常多个区,每一个区有若干种动物,拥有的动物种数作为该区的权值.然后有m条路,每条路的权值为该条路连接的两个区中权值较小的一个.假设两个区没有直接连接,那么f值即为从一个区走到还有一个区中所经过的路中权值最小的值做为权值.问,平均两个区之间移动的权值为多少. 解题思路:并查集+贪心.将全部的边依照权值排序,从最大的開始连接,每次连接时计算的次数为连接两块的节点数的积(乘法原理).…
Of course our child likes walking in a zoo. The zoo has n areas, that are numbered from 1 to n. The i-th area contains ai animals in it. Also there are m roads in the zoo, and each road connects two distinct areas. Naturally the zoo is connected, so…
D - The Child and Zoo 思路: 并查集+贪心 每条边的权值可以用min(a[u],a[v])来表示,然后按边的权值从大到小排序 然后用并查集从大的边开始合并,因为你要合并的这两个联通块之间的点肯定要经过这条边,而这条要合并的边是所有已经合并中的最小的,所以两个联通块之间的所有点之间的f就是这条边(而且是所有情况最大的,因为是从最大的边开始贪心的). 代码: #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define ll lon…
D. The Child and Zoo time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Of course our child likes walking in a zoo. The zoo has n areas, that are numbered from 1 to n. The i-th area contains …
Codeforces 437D The Child and Zoo 题目大意: 有一张连通图,每个点有对应的值.定义从p点走向q点的其中一条路径的花费为途径点的最小值.定义f(p,q)为从点p走向点q的所有路径中的最大花费.累加每一对p,q的f(p,q),并求平均值. 乍一看以为是对图的搜索,但搜索求和的过程肯定会超时.这一题巧妙的用到了并查集,因此做简单记录. 思路: 将边的权值定义为两点间的较小值,对边进行降序排序.排序后将每条边的两点进行并查集维护,由于排了序,所以可以保证两个点所属集合合…