这两天在Qtcreator上编译程序的时候莫名其妙的出现了FTH: (7156): *** Fault tolerant heap shim applied to current process. This is usually due to previous crashes. ***的问题,清除掉所有的文件,重新qmake和构建都不能解决这个问题. 有人说修改注册表中HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\FTH\Enabled的值为0,然而并没有什么用处.…
这个问题偶尔碰到两次,现在又遇上了,解决办法如下: 打开注册表,设置HKLM\Software\Microsoft\FTH\Enabled 为0 打开CMD,运行Rundll32.exe fthsvc.dll,FthSysprepSpecialize 参考http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd744764…
要想容错,该怎么办? 父actor首先要获知子actor的失败状态,然后确定该怎么办, “怎么办”这回事叫做“supervisorStrategy".   // Restart the storage child when StorageException is thrown.   // After 3 restarts within 5 seconds it will be stopped.   override val supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrate…
问题: 一个Qt小项目,编译成功并成功运行,但应用程序输出中出现如下异常:FTH: (9892): *** Fault tolerant heap shim applied to current process. This is usually due to previous crashes. *** 解决方法: 打开注册表,设置HKLM\Software\Microsoft\FTH\Enabled 为0 打开CMD,运行Rundll32.exe fthsvc.dll,FthSysprepSpe…
代码判断MSVC编译器版本. if (_MSC_VER == 1800) MSVC++ 14.0 _MSC_VER == 1900 (Visual Studio 2015) MSVC++ 12.0 _MSC_VER == 1800 (Visual Studio 2013) MSVC++ 11.0 _MSC_VER == 1700 (Visual Studio 2012) MSVC++ 10.0 _MSC_VER == 1600 (Visual Studio 2010) MSVC++ 9.0 _M…
一.开发经验总结 当编译发现大量错误的时候,从第一个看起,一个一个的解决,不要急着去看下一个错误,往往后面的错误都是由于前面的错误引起的,第一个解决后很可能都解决了. 定时器是个好东西,学会好使用它,有时候用QTimer::singleShot可以解决意想不到的问题. 打开creator,在构建套件的环境中增加MAKEFLAGS=-j8,可以不用每次设置多线程编译.珍爱时间和生命.新版的QtCreator已经默认就是j8. 如果你想顺利用QtCreator部署安卓程序,首先你要在AndroidS…
windows7/windows NT介绍 原文应该是IT168发布的 但是一直没找到 感觉看了之后 明白了很多 技术都是互相融合的 没有严格意义上的对立直说.   Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 R2发布已经有近一个月了,加上RC/beta阶段,相信很多人都已经接触或者使用过了.很多人都已经知道在界面,以及DirectX.图形架构上的改进,然而却很少有清晰.令人信服的资料,说明操作系统 变得更快强.更强.更稳定,有的只是功能变的更加复杂了.有没有最基本.最核心的改动…
 Heap Operations time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Petya has recently learned data structure named "Binary heap". The heap he is now operating with allows the following o…
Petya has recently learned data structure named "Binary heap". The heap he is now operating with allows the following operations: put the given number into the heap; get the value of the minimum element in the heap; extract the minimum element f…
C. Heap Operations time limit per test:1 second memory limit per test:256 megabytes input:standard input output:standard output Petya has recently learned data structure named "Binary heap". The heap he is now operating with allows the following…
C. Heap Operations 题目连接: http://www.codeforces.com/contest/681/problem/C Description Petya has recently learned data structure named "Binary heap". The heap he is now operating with allows the following operations: put the given number into the…
原创地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/jfzhu/p/4060666.html 转载请注明出处 前面的文章<WCF服务的异常消息>中介绍过,如果WCF Service发生异常时,Service会将异常序列化为SOAP Fault并发送给客户端. 默认情况下,出于安全原因,WCF Service中未处理的异常的详细信息不会包括在发送给客户的SOAP Fault里,你只能看到一个通用的SOAP Fault(“The server was unable to process the…
  Acquiring Heap Dumps HPROF Binary Heap Dumps Get Heap Dump on an OutOfMemoryError One can get a HPROF binary heap dump on an OutOfMemoryError for Sun JVM (1.4.2_12 or higher and 1.5.0_07 or higher), Oracle JVMs, OpenJDK JVMs, HP-UX JVM (1.4.2_11 or…
官网地址 http://www.ehcache.org/ 从哪开始 第一步优先下载 http://www.ehcache.org/downloads/ 下载 Ehcache 2.10.0 .tar.gz 解压之后得到 ehcache.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- CacheManager Configuration ========================== An ehca…
Awesome系列的Java资源整理.awesome-java 就是akullpp发起维护的Java资源列表,内容包括:构建工具.数据库.框架.模板.安全.代码分析.日志.第三方库.书籍.Java 站点等等. 经典的工具与库 (Ancients) In existence since the beginning of time and which will continue being used long after the hype has waned. Apache Ant - Build…
很明显,以下的文字来自微软MSDN 链接http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms681382(v=vs.85).aspx MSDN上分成了几个部分,查起来费事,统一放在这里了. 用kernel32.dll里的FormatMessage可以得到支持多语言的返回消息 有人把这些错误代码整理成了类,供参考 http://www.cnblogs.com/Sabre/p/3929264.html Note The informat…
http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2001/05/30/optimization.htmlComparing the performance of LinkedLists and ArrayLists (and Vectors) (Page last updated May 2001, Added 2001-06-18, Author Jack Shirazi, Publisher OnJava). Tips: ArrayList is faster than…
ON THE EVOLUTION OF MACHINE LEARNING: FROM LINEAR MODELS TO NEURAL NETWORKS We recently interviewed Reza Zadeh (@Reza_Zadeh). Reza is a Consulting Professor in the Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering at Stanford University and a…
All transformations in Flink may look like functions (in the functional processing terminology), but are in fact stateful operators. You can make every transformation (map, filter, etc) stateful by using Flink's state interface or checkpointing insta…
Example Program The following program is a complete, working example of streaming window word count application, that counts the words coming from a web socket in 5 second windows. public class WindowWordCount { public static void main(String[] args)…
工具介绍 官网 http://www.linkdata.se/sourcecode/memwatch/ 其功能如下官网介绍,挑选重点整理: 1. 号称功能: 内存泄露检测 (检测未释放内存, 即 动态内存开辟未释放的情况) 2. 检测 多次调用free, 和 free 错误地址 3. 检测内存访问的 上越界 和 下越界 4. 检测对野指针进行的写操作 其他内存检测工具有 mtrace valgrind 参考 http://www.cnblogs.com/honglihua8688/p/37279…
英文投稿的一点经验[转载] From: http://chl033.woku.com/article/2893317.html 1. 首先一定要注意杂志的发表范围, 超出范围的千万别投,要不就是浪费时间;另外,每个杂志都有他们的具体格式要求,一定要按照他们的要求把论文写好,免得浪费时间,前些时候,我的一个同事向一个著名的英文杂志投稿,由于格式问题,人家过两个星期就退回来了,而且说了很多难听的话,说投稿前首先就应该看清楚他们的格式要求:2. 论文写作一定要言简意赅,特别是摘要,引言和结论部分,特别…
A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome-python. Contributing Please take a quick gander at the contribution guidelines first. Thanks to all contributors; you rock! If you see a package or project here that…
本文转载自 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3261.txt 中文翻译可参考 http://wenku.baidu.com/view/3e59517b1711cc7931b71654.html Network Working Group J. Rosenberg Request for Comments: 3261 dynamicsoft Obsoletes: 2543 H. Schulzrinne Category: Standards Track Columbia U.…
User Guide Jump to: navigation, search Contents 1 Introduction 2 Installation 3 Using the Command-Line Interface 4 Quick Start Guide 5 Configuration 5.1 Network Interfaces 5.1.1 Physical Ethernet Interfaces 5.1.2 802.1Q VLAN Interfaces 5.1.3 Bridging…
https://github.com/onurakpolat/awesome-bigdata A curated list of awesome big data frameworks, resources and other awesomeness. Inspired by awesome-php, awesome-python, awesome-ruby, hadoopecosystemtable & big-data. Your contributions are always welco…
January 23, 2018- Apache Flink, Flink Features Stefan Richter and Chris Ward Apache Flink was purpose-built for stateful stream processing. Let’s quickly review: what is state in a stream processing application? I defined state and stateful stream pr…
List of Chromium Command Line Switches https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/ There are lots of command lines which can be used with the Google Chrome browser. Some change behavior of features, others are for debugging or experi…
参考:https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/ List of Chromium Command Line Switches Condition Explanation -- ⊗ Report pseudo allocation traces. Pseudo traces are derived from currently active trace events. ↪ --/prefetch:1[1] ⊗ /pre…
Deployment System Requirements Supported Platforms Required Software Clustered (Multi-Server) Setup Single Server and Developer Setup Administration Designing a ZooKeeper Deployment Cross Machine Requirements Single Machine Requirements Provisioning…